Where Spirit and Earth Meet

Moment by moment we stand in a place where spirit and earth meet.  We are that interface and it gives us the opportunity to birth the new world a little bit at a time.  The new world is born when …

Healing Feminine Power

The ascension work I am highlighting today is one very remarkable piece of many this week.  It started with the unusual circumstance of having several woman at once in my healing practice who are contending with breast cancer or other …

Honor Yourself

The challenge that has kept showing up for healing and ascension this week is jealousy.  This emotion flows from a center of fear within the old world experience.  Fear and jealousy always lie to us.  The old world is an …

Full Moon Blessing

The moon is coming full on Saturday, so I asked her what the gift is that she brings us this time.  She told me “growing strong” is the opportunity which she is empowering within our lives as her blessing to …

Essentials of Ascension

It occurs to me that what is happening in our world right now is the equivalent of the unconditionally loving universe treating our reality like a beach towel that needs a good shake to get the sand out of it!  …