Essentials of Ascension

It occurs to me that what is happening in our world right now is the equivalent of the unconditionally loving universe treating our reality like a beach towel that needs a good shake to get the sand out of it!  During this good shaking that we are experiencing we need to identify with the towel, not the sand 🙂 In other words things are getting shaken up so the old world can be released more easily, and we need to center strongly on our inner truth and be willing to let go of our old world stuff.

I loved Karlta’s comment on last week post, that she found the exercise for living in your new world self very helpful!  Our experience is so much easier when we are identified with our truth, and that exercise is such a quick and effective tool for doing that.

To the degree that we are holding onto the old world, we may feel shaken up and out of control in our lives, like the sand in our beach towel metaphor flying off in the wind.  So centering and grounding into our true self is the best solution.  Not only does it help us ride the waves of change more smoothly, but it builds the habits we need for living in the new world increasingly.  One interesting aspect of ascension is that we keep awakening to a deeper and higher level of truth than we have known before, so our true self is changing in our experience too!  During this time in our world our true self is moving from an idea or an idyll, to an experienced state of BEING.  The more time we spend being our true self, the more quickly our true self ascends to clearer and more potent expressions within our lives.

What we discover as we become our true selves, is that it isn’t an idea or even an experience that we can hold onto, it is a transformative journey that changes every day.  So be prepared that some of what flies away during this time of shaking out the old world sand are some beliefs which you used to feel were true and precious.  You need to be prepared for that, and if you are willing to surrender those old ideas, you will experience something way more real and valuable to you.  This is the ascension process for the ego self.  Hold loosely to your ideas about who you are and what your relationship to everything is, so the unconditionally loving hands of the universe can help you shake out what is holding you back.  It is humbling and empowering and freeing to undergo this process.  Once you get the hang of it, it is truly like surfing the waves of change, exhilarating and beautiful.

Still it is very helpful to have something to hold onto so you don’t fly off the beach towel with the sand!  That is why I have been giving you tools and concepts in my blogs that will grow with you as you change, things you can use today that will take you to the clearest focus you can attain, and use again tomorrow to get even clearer!  Last week’s tool was one of those, and here are some others which I have shared in the past which warrant sharing again:

I use the term the essence of truth to access the clearest and highest focus of truth available to me at the present time, and to allow that to continue to ascend as I do.  Here are ways I like to use that term:

  • The essence of truth of my Higher Self
  • The essence of truth of my Inner Wisdom
  • The essence of truth of  – insert your favorite focus of truth here for example: God, Buddha, Cosmic Christ, Archangel Michael, Ascended Master St. Germain…
  • Or one of my favorite potent statements to center and ground into new world reality:

         The essence of truth of God is within me, and I am within the essence of truth of God

It also helps to combine meditation with physical exercise so you integrate every aspect of body, emotion, mind, spirit and soul.  For instance, walking, free form dancing, chanting, doing Tai Chi or using your treadmill or other simple exercise, while you open to your Higher Self, pray, work with statements like the ones above or use self-balancing and centering tools. The reason this combination is favorable is that it helps you to experience the truth within your body, so it can ascend to hold your true self more fully.  Reading and thinking about truth, listening to lectures, etc. can create the idea that we know our truth.  But truth isn’t an idea, it is who you are and you need to find it alive and active through all of yourself not just in your head.  When you do, you find it is both simpler and more complex than you thought it would be!

There is a need to hold steady and grounded in your true center, so everything that is non-essential can fly away like sand from the beach towel.  But it is important that while you hold steady, you are not holding on to some idea that may really need to let go.  I find myself having to let go of many things which I would emotionally or mentally like to keep!  Sometimes I have to cry or grieve, or hug my inner children in order to allow that shift to occur.  I find it takes a very deep level of trust in God within me to do so.  But once I do, I feel myself lifted into a place where life feels richer…colors seem brighter…relationships more real…money more abundant!  It’s worth it!

My four Class Exercises Sets are loaded with tools to help you to know yourself and live from your truth. I am offering recording #1 this week and next for a discounted price!  It includes Sacred Space – for tuning to your true self and holding clear boundaries, Comprehensive Chakra Tuning including chakra calisthenics, Candle Meditation for centering and releasing, The Healer’s Prayer.  They are available on CD for $15 including shipping or MP3 for $10.  You can contact me through my website link above to order yours!

Enjoy living increasingly in your New World Self this week!  Much love and blessings, Eve

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Lisa Ambroselli
Lisa Ambroselli
7 years ago

Eve, I just want to say thank you so much for your writings. Just when I start to feel like I’m riding the crazy train I read your post and amazingly it fits exactly with what I’m going through at that time! The exercises you share are extremely helpful! I love you more than you will ever know and I am so grateful that you are in this world! We are all truly blessed!

Patricia Bannasch
Patricia Bannasch
7 years ago

How do I order your ascension CD mentioned in your blog?