Healing Testosterone and Memories

There was a time when men needed to be insensitive to be the hunters, protectors and warriors in our society.  Testosterone helped them with this.  The highly sexual energy caused by that hormone also drove them to procreate in a …

How to Be Positive and Clear

Here is a way to live positive, clear and in our true loving selves while the waves of change on planet earth are doing their best to push our buttons and bring our lower nature to the fore.

The waves …

Healing Abuse and Ascending Souls

During this summer solstice week a number of my healing and ascension treatment clients have brought to focus various types of childhood abuse.  Working with those issues from an ascension perspective I could see how generations of souls within their …

When Life Asks You to Shift

One thing we have to get good at during our journey of ascension is riding the waves of change!  When life asks you to shift, you are being given the opportunity to ascend, plain and simple, that is what is …