Valentines Day Love, Healing and Forgiveness

I am writing on Valentine’s Day and feeling that this year it is much more than a Hallmark Holiday! Deep within our hearts and souls profound change is taking place.  It is like the ice breakup that is happening today …

Forgiveness & Ascension – It’s Time

Ascension leads us into unconditional love – no conditions – just love.  This is a masterful love, and anything involving mastery is going to have some challenges to it; but these are challenges worth facing and overcoming because the reward …

When Life Asks You to Shift

One thing we have to get good at during our journey of ascension is riding the waves of change!  When life asks you to shift, you are being given the opportunity to ascend, plain and simple, that is what is …

Nurturing the New World

Hi Everyone!

This week has seen amazing shifts again!

Looking at the world as a Healing & Ascension Worker, I sometimes see all the positive shifts, and sometimes I see so much that needs to change, that it can feel …

Engaging the Higher Power

I love the feeling, when I am working on something spiritually; be it personal, for a client, a class, or for the planet, and the Higher Power of unconditional love engages into the process and everything comes together and works …