Forgiveness is Love — Love is Who You Are

Our subconscious selves can’t distinguish the difference between hating someone or something, someone else hating us, or self-hatred.  To the subconscious all hate is hatred of ourselves.  Similarly with all judgments and fears.  What we hate, what we judge, what we fear, we own.

I do a lot of work in the subconscious for people, since that is where disease of body, emotion, mind and spirit often takes root.  The tissues, cells and organs of our body are subconscious elements of people  They have taught me about how people’s hatred, judgment and fear damages them and how they hold onto those things long after the conscious mind has moved on and thinks it is over.

So, when you feel the pain in your stomach, the ache in your back, the stiff neck and shoulders or whatever, your unconscious is almost always reacting to hatred, judgment or fear.

The good news is that hatred, judgment and fear are a response to the old-world illusion.  As that illusion dissipates, they disappear.  But since that will take some time to happen, let’s work with dissolving them now to bring ourselves into the new world more quickly and empower us as we walk this borderline between the old and new world.

The subconscious self is very childlike.  It tends to see things as black and white, all or nothing.  Like a child these parts of us want to be loved, cared for, safe.  All of us reading this post are beyond the point of having protective parents who provide for us.  But within us are the better substitute for that, which is our Inner Wisdom, Higher Self, essence of truth of God and our angels.  These are always with us.  As we recognize them and build a partnership to co-create our lives with them, they become our safe place within that guides us, draws all that we need to us, and help us to succeed in our lives, careers, and relationships.

The following exercise strengthens the partnership between our human self and our eternal spiritual wisdom and love.  It does that through helping to heal and release toxic emotional and mental energies and strengthening the new world experience within us.


When you feel anxiety, inflammation or physical distress remember that these parts of you are like children.  Within you is the higher intelligence and love you can identify with to provide healing, ascension into wholeness and unconditional love for yourself.  When the love flows in, fear and hatred dissolve, this is forgiveness in action.  No one is to blame; it is just the old-world illusion you are overcoming.

Responding with Love to Hatred, Judgment and Fear Exercise

These first two steps are the core of this exercise and may be enough if you are grounded into your truth sufficiently for the circumstance.  Or continue on for more help:

  • Open your heart and ground into your wholeness like a tree, receiving love from the source of life through your deep roots and high branches. These three points – open heart, ground into earth below, ground into spirit above open the door for healing.
  • Turn around inside yourself, so that you are facing the place that is in distress within you and give it a big enfolding hug. Just hold that part of you firmly but gently, as you keep your heart open and your tree anchored below and above.
    • If you just do these two steps it will get you far.
    • The following steps will refine this and take it deeper, but if you only do the first two steps, it may be enough. If you want to go deeper, continue…
  • Ask this part of you what is wrong. If you listen with your telepathic spiritual awareness, you may hear what it says.  It may say something like: “I hate this, or hate you, or I don’t want to be here”.
  • Every manifest thing has an angel. Ask for the angel of this part of your body and if you know how, ask also for your overall angel self (see post “An Angel for Everything” from July 2021 to learn more about this).
  • Keep holding and loving this part of you and let the angel or angels join you in that. Invite them to vent the toxic emotions and beliefs up through your tree and down through your roots as needed.  Because your angel self knows it is one with the essence of truth of God, it will give these things to God, lifting out any blocks and baggage that are ready to go.
  • Continuing to hold this unity, let the love of your Inner Wisdom within your heart reassure this part of you that it is surrounded in love. Ask it to receive that love and step up to unity with its angel — which is one with your Inner Wisdom, Higher Self, and essence of truth of God. (Essence of truth is the clearest focus of something you can access at the present time.  Using this with the term God helps lift us out of the limited boxes and false judgments people have put on this Oneness which we are all intimately a part of always.  It helps us continue to grow into our unity and awareness of what that One is, including its most important aspect of unconditional love, which is the opposite of judgmental.)
  • You may also want to do some conscious work around the issues in your life that created these feelings within. Now that everything surrounded in unconditional love, you can work from that focus to release your fears, judgments and hatreds around people and circumstances of your life.  Let your angel self help you to keep grounded through your tree and open hearted so your Higher Self and Inner Wisdom and e of t of God can co-create success within those experiences.
  • Working directly on the circumstances of your life is more complicated than I can go into in this post. But most of you have some skill in dealing with those things.  But from my perspective, the key is to remember that you are an eternal, unconditionally loving spirit, and the reactions of your human self are your job.  By working from unconditional love for yourself, you can come to recognize what the outer problems are trying to help you master within your heart, mind, and soul.  Everything serves a purpose within your life.
  • I have two favorite phrases which are helpful with this:
    • For yourself to awaken the unity, unconditional love and wholeness within, the following statement helps:
      • The essence of truth of God is within me and I am within the essence of truth of God
    • Toward those people and circumstances that challenge you:
      • All you are is God, you can’t hurt me, you can only make me stronger, thank you for being my teacher.
    • Everything and everyone is created out of the Oneness I call e of t of God for a purpose. Recognizing that they are in your life as contracted by your Higher Self for your soul growth and empowerment helps you to step up to the opportunities they present with strength and less stress.

Doing this work, helps you to distinguish your eternal true identity from your old world human ego and subconscious sense of self.  This is an important step in our ascension, without it we keep bouncing back into our old world ego, even though we know its not who we really are.  Once we go there, it sure feels like who we are!  But in this exercise you hold the new world self simultaneously with the old world identity.  This teaches your human self how to live in the new world while dealing with the old world.  Gradually we begin to be able to hold onto our true identity no matter what is happening within or around us!  Then we always know we are eternal, safe and unbreakable.

Blessings and gratitude for your good work my friends!



P.S.  The Crazy Wisdom Community Journal is doing a feature on me.  It was going to be for the spring issue.  But they liked the article so much they want it to be on their cover and for that it needs another photograph.  So, it will be in the fall issue instead.  I mentioned it would be in the spring issue last week and thought I should mention it so you wouldn’t be wondering where it is when you pick one up!  And my book is on the Shelf at the recently re-opened Crazy Wisdom Bookstore in Ann Arbor!





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Tyra Petoskey
Tyra Petoskey
9 days ago

I love this Eve! 🌟. This simplifies the process. When pain is an issue, I overthink, “ Well, it could be this, or maybe that.” Hopefully, it will sink in…just love it, and welcome in the ETOG and Angel Self. The mind complicates everything. Lol 😂. Thank you Dear Teacher 🙏🌟💜

Melissa Toni
Melissa Toni
Reply to  Tyra Petoskey
7 days ago

I like how you highlight “just love it” when it comes to subconscious things that may show up in the body.

I did this the other day with some dry spots on my neck and other areas. Rather than fearing, worrying, or labeling—all of which make everything worse every time, as humans and animals know—I decided to embrace and love them as leopard-like and cool. Now, they are starting to relax away, after just a few days. But that’s not even the important part. It made me feel closer to people with skin pigment spots (something I’ve never had before) and in the larger subconscious, gave me an opportunity to self-love even bigger in that way.

Thank you for reminding me of this and how everything is an opportunity to love more.

Tracey Darling
Tracey Darling
6 days ago

Wow. So good! Thank you so much.