Growing Sovereignty in Relationships

Today I was guided to clear a vast block that was like a giant pillar of metal separating our human ego from our unity with the One.  This came as part of rewriting the contract for that.  The shift it brings is an amazing one that will allow people to grow our sovereign selves to live in unity and wholeness.

The updated contract gives us an opportunity to shift the dynamics of our human relationships from co-dependent to sovereign.  This is a challenging subject to address because our human relationships are often tied in with our deepest insecurity caused by the separation from Oneness that we experienced as we entered our first individual incarnation.  The trauma of that separation has been repeated over and over again with each new incarnation and each human lifetime.  We have felt alone, vulnerable, needing something or someone to hold onto that would help fill the void which can only be filled by returning to unity as today’s world healing and ascension work has initiated for us in a new way.

Relationships built on that deep unfillable need are precarious situations.  No one can fill the hole which is ours alone to fill through returning to unity.  The loss of a relationship where we have built our life and identity around the other person opens that ancient chasm from the initial separation within our souls.  I am confident that most of you have experienced this to varying degrees and know exactly what I mean.  Now there is a solution to this which we can grow within our souls and within our relationships.

The solution is to increase our sovereignty.  The journey of doing that is very deep and personal.  It is something I often initiate for people during healing sessions.  But today I am going to try to give you a way of working with this for yourselves.  This approach addresses not just relationship neediness, but also food and chemical addiction needs.  You can use the it for any of those things.

To help you with this work, I invite you to work with your angel self, as I have taught most of you to do.  But if you are not familiar with this, here is the link to a post you can read to get to know it:  Your angel self can help you to redirect your co-dependent energies and neediness to link with Higher Self and essence of truth of God.  This will increase your sense of comfort, satisfaction, and peace.  I will explain the process for doing that below:

1 – Center into your wholeness like a tree and access your Inner Wisdom.  If you are unfamiliar with these you can access instructions in Eve’s 3 Most Important Things Video #1 in my Video Gallery – .  Practice always holding the wholeness of the tree and the presence of your true identity within that I call your Inner Wisdom.  These will help you take your first steps toward sovereignty that are needed to do the next steps.

2 – Once you are centered on your Inner Wisdom and grounded into both spirit and earth through your body you will become more aware of those situations where you lose that sense of wholeness and strength.  That may happen when you are around other people more than by yourself.  This is because we have learned in the old world to build entangled relationships with people.  We give some of ourselves away, and expect, or hope to receive some of the other person in return.  The ongoing give and take builds a network of unconsciously intermingled identity through which all participants may lose energy as well as their sense of self.

Sometimes we like that intermingled feeling.  It feels like it will fill the vast chasm that I mentioned earlier caused by separation from unity and Oneness at the beginning of our incarnations.  This is a false sense of being filled, but a common one.  Sometimes we don’t like the feeling because the other person’s energy is out of harmony with our own.  We may sometimes feel more alone around them than when we are truly alone.

When that is the case, we may tend to blame them for that or blame ourselves.  We may try to change them or change ourselves to make things feel okay.  Over time this causes a tremendous loss of self and feeling of anger, grief, sadness, emptiness, even hatred.

Alternately we may merely feel stagnant in an entangled relationship and not know why.

The practice I am going to teach in the following steps works for those situations.  It can also work for less intimate relationships where people are predatory, abusive, negative, or draining.

3 – Ascending into unity with Higher Self which is one with the Oneness we all come from is our destiny.  Through that journey we are growing masterful in our lives.  Ascended Mastery has no room for entanglement in relationships.  It is a sovereign state where our unity and wholeness is absolute.  Love for others flows unconditionally.  Entangled relationships are conditional because we are vulnerable and need things from each other which may not be able to be given, but they are sought and emplied within those relationships.

Learning to live in sovereignty requires us to learn to have relationships from the sovereign state where each person can be unique, whole and in harmony with their purpose.  These relationships will be clean, wholesome, light.  While people are moving in that direction, we can learn to be sovereign ourselves in our current relationships.

In sovereignty, whatever is going on with the other will not be taken personally.  Blame won’t be something we participate in.  Everyone has a right to their experiences.  Compassion will allow us to care and assist if we feel they truly want what we have to offer and that it is timely and right for them and for ourselves to provide it.  We won’t try to change people or disempower them by trying to control their behavior and experiences, so they are comfortable for us.  Everyone has a plan for how they learn in the present incarnation.  We can support that in their own optimal way and time without controlling them through judgments, fears, and needs.

What I am teaching today is to help you to learn and experience sovereign relationships.  In my own life this work has been amazingly helpful, making what was an often-difficult relationship a much more positive, comfortable, and safe experience for myself and the other.  I have taught this once before in Monthlies Class and I think in these posts, but I hope to give you an easier and more detailed way to work with it today.

4 – Going back to the first step, be focused, and centered in your Inner Wisdom and wholeness like a tree.

Meditate on your relationships and pick a sticky/tricky/or uncomfortable one to work with.

  • Ask yourself how much of yourself you have given away to the other.
  • And how much of the other you carry inside of yourself.
  • How entangled are you?

Bring in your angel self to merge with you and enfold you in their energy which may be like wings of unconditional love.

  • Welcome those wings to touch the energy strings between you and the other; enfolding them in unconditional love.
  • Ask for angel vents to release the energy of those strings into unity with Higher Self and essence of Truth of God – (out through the top of your aura into their care and out of the bottom of your aura into their care, it can go both ways).

Feel and scan around your body and welcome the angel to help you find and release any of those entangled strands.  Pay special attention to your solar plexus area and downward from there.  And also, in back of you top to bottom of body and aura.

5 – Then feel and scan inside of your body and aura for soul parts of the other or energy or blocks from them which the angel can similarly surround in love and vent back to Higher Self and essence of truth of God above and below.

6 – Work to fill those places which are clearing from those influences with yourself.  Many tools which I have taught that help with this include to use multiple trees or banyan trees, power animals, angel self, and Inner Wisdom to fill those places and generate Holy Spirit/Force of unity which allow Higher Self and essence of truth of God to grow within your experience.  This allows you to co-create your life and build wholeness and unity.

Love these parts of you and let them know you are here, God is here, everything will work out well.  You don’t have to sacrifice yourself for love.  Love is who you are.  In unity with Inner Wisdom and Higher Self you know that.  Bringing your child self, wounded self, ego self into that unity they will grow to know that as well.

7 – Now when you are with that person, work to be aware of how you give yourself away or habitually build the network of co-dependency.  Or how they hook into your energy.

  • Call those threads back or release theirs, and let your angel self help you vent that energy up and down into unity with Higher Self and essence of truth of God.
  • Hold unity until all the energy seems released.
  • If you don’t realize what is happening until afterward, you can retroactively return to the scene and do this exercise to reclaim your power and sovereignty.

8 – A good analogy for a sovereign relationship is a director’s chair.  You know the kind which has two sides and canvas between.  It folds together but then opens for a person to sit there.

  • The folded state is when two people are so entangled there is no space for independent action. The chair can’t stand up, it collapses or has to lean against the wall.
  • The open state is where each individual is standing whole in themselves, in unity with Inner Wisdom and Higher Self.
  • They are looking out at the world to fulfill their purpose, not always focused on each other. They are each generating lots of Holy Spirit/Force of Unity for co-creating life
  • The chair is the place where you co-create life.
  • Then the two can come together for intimacy but separate again to refocus on their individual sovereign wholeness and purpose when that time comes.
  • They don’t have to be the same. Each can be very different in many ways, because each individual is not defined by the other.  They don’t require the other in order to be whole.  Their partnership is for joy and makes the most of the differences, enjoying their individuality.  There is no competition for control or dominance.  No expectation that the other make your life meaningful.
  • This dynamic sustains attraction and good sexuality. When the chair is folded up on itself there is no attraction and relationships lose energy and joy.  When it is open and each whole and strong, they generate lots of energy.  This is very attractive.

9 – If in personal, social or professional relationships you tend to attract blame or predatory behavior from others, be overlooked, or taken advantage of, this work will help you to correct that situation.

  • When you give your power away to others by trying to be who they want you to be, or by being afraid of them, or just insecure, it attracts predatory behavior.
  • Many people have a predatory side. Especially those with a strong drive, or a great insecurity.  It may seem like someone really nice is just not nice to you sometimes!
  • With people like that sovereignty works best. Stay centered and focused in your unity and wholeness and don’t put out any energy of need, want, fear or judgment toward them.  Just stay in your own lane and let them be in theirs.
  • It’s as though people like that can sniff your vulnerability. Hold onto your unity firmly and don’t focus on them at all.  Then when you communicate with them let it flow from that unity.  It will be light, clear, and strong.

Good luck with this part of your journey of ascension, my friends!  Please feel free to comment or ask questions through the comment section at the end of this post.  You don’t have to sign up or anything to do that.  Your question or comment may help others and is most appreciated.

Blessings and love,


Resources for the Journey of Ascension:

Healing & Ascension Monthlies are a diverse group of people shifting into their new world experience and helping our world heal and ascend.  It offers potent support to smooth your journey of life, healing, and ascension.  Join us for the next series of 6 starting 8/15/24. We meet by phone conference and classes are recorded should you have to miss, every 4 weeks on Thursday from 7:30 – 9:30 PM. There is a base fee, but also a sliding scale if needed! To enroll visit  for more information and to contact me through my website. Or email

  • Private Healing & Ascension Treatments are available by appointment.  We will address the root cause of issues you contend with to unblock, heal and empower.  This also helps those connected with you and others who need this work. Then we will help you step more into your new world self which provides a new light and direction into your life and relationships. email  or visit  for more information, testimonials and to contact me that way.
  • Video Gallery – Interviews with Eve, Eve’s 3 Most Important Things Videos and More:
  • Self-Healing Mini-Classes are available on MP3 from my website store for as little as $10 at
  • Free Tools for riding the waves of change on earth:
    • 8 years of weekly word posts are in the archives of this site with practical/spiritual tools and teaching to help you find your way.
    • Previously Published Articles from Body Mind Spirit Guide and Wisdom magazines that give perspective on every aspect of life, healing and ascension.
  • My Book: Riding the Wave of Change-Hope Healing & Spiritual Growth for Our World helps people understand the positive purpose behind our present challenges and provides tools for riding the waves of change.  Available in eBook, paperback or hardcover at or in paperback at Schuler Books Westland and Castle Remedies in Ann Arbor, Mother Nature’s Remedies in Cheboygan.  Also available on where you can leave a review, even if you bought it elsewhere.  Thanks so much if you do!
  • Social Media – Join me on Facebook, Twitter, Linked In or BodyMindSpiritNetwork to receive Healing Treatment Coupons, Monday Meditations, Wednesday Inspirations and links to this blog and more. Links are present at the top and bottom of my homepage at and BMSN has its own section toward the bottom of that page.
  • Graduates of my Healer and Ascension Certification Course and HDP Courses may be eligible to participate in Grads World Ascension Class or Advanced Ascension Class.  Enrolling now – email







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28 days ago

My first healing client after writing this used this tool as part of their session with amazing results! Then this morning I used it again myself and it removed pain from my back and shoulders. I encourage you to give this a try!
Blessings and love, Eve

Last edited 28 days ago by Eve
Francia Hidalgo
Francia Hidalgo
27 days ago

Thank you🙏🙏and happy Easter 💕

Colleen Ferner
Colleen Ferner
25 days ago

Much of what I am currently working through and didn’t realize it until I read your post! Thank you, Eve for your very timely guidance.