Ascending Souls and Bodies – Forgiveness at Work!

The comprehensive healing and ascension of souls over the many lifetimes of history on earth is continuing and picking up its pace.  With each healing there is forgiveness being given and accepted in spirit.  This allows our genetic makeup and bodies to rise in vibration or to ascend.  The higher vibration allows deeper levels of healing, forgiveness and ascension into our new world selves to happen more quickly and easily.  It is a repeating cycle of change, each step initiating the next: spirit, soul, history, genetics, body, spirit, soul, history, genetics and so forth, lifting us into unity and wholeness.

Here are some highlights of this week’s work:

  • Healing Sexual Abuse and the Experiences of being Chattel
    • This work took place in the present and moved across all lifetimes and cultures. It took me to the beginning of our contracts for the old world journey, where change was ready to happen on the most profound levels.
    • It allowed our contracts for the experience of life on Earth to be upgraded so that unconditional love and eternal forgiveness can enter into both victims and persecutors.
    • The cycle of abuse is so tied in with shame, guilt, fear, hatred, judgment. Forgiveness is the answer that allows the cycle to stop.  Much forgiveness was given and received.
    • I enjoyed seeing so much clear and so many souls begin to return to a state of innocence. That becomes available when we connect with our angel selves, which are one with our Inner Wisdom and one with their Higher Selves and essence of truth of God.  This unity is the essence of ascension.  And angels are purely innocent, reminding us of who we really are and helping us let go of guilt, shame and blame.
    • Typical of this phase of ascension, the healing and clearing moved more comprehensively across all cultures.  It is now being received by most victims, persecutors and predators on many levels. The present circumstances were more impacted than than I have observed previously.  My work has primarily been done in the past and allowed to impact the present time gradually.  Increasingly change is happening in real time, though it is still largely on the spiritual levels.  That is changing too – increasingly people are feeling the shifts now and responding in new ways.
  • Healing the trauma of separation from Oneness
    • The contracts for the old-world experience have been largely rewritten so that returning to unity is now a potential for everyone. But the focus of human minds, goals and attitudes are still habitually old world.  This week I worked with this to break the old habits and help people forget the goals which are no longer serving as we enter the new world.
    • Forgiveness is a prime mover on this journey and a fundamental element of all work this week. We can’t just forgive those that we deem worthy of forgiveness, since any attitude of judgment and blame acts like cement blocks tying us to the old world experience.  Changing identity from our human ego to our Inner Wisdom and Higher Self helps us to recognize that others play the roles we have contracted for them to play.  We grow the strengths we need from the workout they give us and then we claim our freedom by forgiving the entire story of suffering and injustice.  We are eternal, safe, unbreakable spiritual co-creators now!  That old story is fading as we own this truth.
    • One significant job was working with the fall of consciousness at the end of the Lemuria civilization and the beginning of Atlantis. In the Bible what happens at this transition is called the eating of the forbidden fruit and being expelled from the garden.  It’s so funny that typically western religion has determined that was about sex.  It is clearly stated that it was the fruit of the judgment of good and evil.  And this was a contractually agreed upon stage of our descent into the lower vibrations of the old world for our evolution of soul to become co-creators.  Both the belief that we had sinned, and the entry into a more difficult life in the lower vibrations were essential to this process of separating out of oneness and individuating.  The experience of struggle and the judgment that it is our own fault, or that it was the serpent’s fault.  Someone must be to blame!  These are essential elements of the illusions of the old-world soul building workout.  These are illusions, not truths.
      • There has been a great healing through forgiveness and raising the vibration of our self-identities this week. The connection of everyone with their angel selves who remember that we are one with the One and innocent of blame played a large role in this.  The old world is a journey of illusion that we have been experiencing.  And like a theatrical play, it has run its course, and the stage is being broken down.  This story is over.
      • Judgment of good and evil is not required. Forgiveness and ascension are the path of our true purpose.  They help us release the old and enter the new.  When the play is done, we applaud the person who played the evil role.  They were essential to the story.  You don’t have to want to be around them.  But if you blame them and fear them, you remain in victim role.  Or maybe it is yourself that you blame.  Either way forgiveness is the cure.
      • So, when you find yourself judging yourself or others, or the state of the world, remember that forgiveness and unity are the only way out of the miasma of that endless cycle of blame and suffering.  We get to trust the dissolution of the old world is not a bad thing.  Focus on what is being born.
      • We are entering the garden again! However, it is not the same garden, and we are not the same people.  We have all grown to become co-creators!  What an adventure lies ahead of us now!
    • As I concluded this work yesterday, I saw our outer selves like an exoskeleton cracking and falling away.  Beneath that our light bodies are filling the spaces where our old-world selves have been.
      • Wrap your heart and mind around that and make that your focus for life. It will be a smoother journey.  Let go of the exoskeleton and welcome your light body!
      • Remember that you are the eternal one who birthed this body, and you are rebirthing it now. You are not the body, emotion, mind or soul.  These are your vehicles, and you are healing and ascending them to co-create life in oneness with the unconditional love of the One of which we are all intimately and uniquely a part.

It’s great to be on this journey with you, dear ascending friends!

Blessings and Love,


Resources for the Journey of Ascension:

Healing & Ascension Monthlies are a diverse group of people shifting into their new world experience and helping our world heal and ascend.  It offers potent support to smooth your journey of life, healing, and ascension.  Join us for the next series of 6 starting 8/15/24. We meet by phone conference and classes are recorded should you have to miss, every 4 weeks on Thursday from 7:30 – 9:30 PM. There is a base fee, but also a sliding scale if needed! To enroll visit  for more information and to contact me through my website. Or email

  • Private Healing & Ascension Treatments are available by appointment.  We will address the root cause of issues you contend with to unblock, heal and empower.  This also helps those connected with you and others who need this work. Then we will help you step more into your new world self which provides a new light and direction into your life and relationships. email  or visit  for more information, testimonials and to contact me that way.
  • Video Gallery – Interviews with Eve, Eve’s 3 Most Important Things Videos and More:
  • Self-Healing Mini-Classes are available on MP3 from my website store for as little as $10 at
  • Free Tools for riding the waves of change on earth:
    • 8 years of weekly word posts are in the archives of this site with practical/spiritual tools and teaching to help you find your way.
    • Previously Published Articles from Body Mind Spirit Guide and Wisdom magazines that give perspective on every aspect of life, healing and ascension.
  • My Book: Riding the Wave of Change-Hope Healing & Spiritual Growth for Our World helps people understand the positive purpose behind our present challenges and provides tools for riding the waves of change.  Available in eBook, paperback or hardcover at or in paperback at Schuler Books Westland and Castle Remedies in Ann Arbor, Mother Nature’s Remedies in Cheboygan.  Also available on where you can leave a review, even if you bought it elsewhere.  Thanks so much if you do!
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  • Graduates of my Healer and Ascension Certification Course and HDP Courses may be eligible to participate in Grads World Ascension Class or Advanced Ascension Class.  Enrolling now – email






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Sally Pinchock
Sally Pinchock
1 month ago

Eve, this post gives me much to think about. I often think that I have forgiven others and myself enough and in many ways I have. But when this post stirred up feelings of blame and shame I realize that there is still work to be done on this journey. Thank you. Sally P.

Jeanette Farley
Jeanette Farley
1 month ago

Again, thank you, Eve ❤️
The way you express this explanation and understanding of forgiveness calls up in me a resounding yes! in my heart. “Forgiveness is my purpose” is how someone put it once, but it is not an assignment, it is a way of being. The light within just comes through.
Then I move beyond acceptance into joy.

🌞 Jeanette

Colleen Ferner
Colleen Ferner
1 month ago

Hello Eve, your post is so helpful and written so beautifully. Thank you!! Colleen

john hocking
john hocking
1 month ago

Eve, many thanks for this profound and beautiful knowledge. As I read this article it was transformative. I can sense my light body. Particularly, this idea I liked: “We get to trust the dissolution of the old world is not a bad thing. Focus on what is being born.”
many many blessings and much love, john