Valentines Day Love, Healing and Forgiveness

I am writing on Valentine’s Day and feeling that this year it is much more than a Hallmark Holiday! Deep within our hearts and souls profound change is taking place.  It is like the ice breakup that is happening today …

Healing Feminine Power

The ascension work I am highlighting today is one very remarkable piece of many this week.  It started with the unusual circumstance of having several woman at once in my healing practice who are contending with breast cancer or other …

Claiming Power

The experience of being limited is an essential tool of the old world journey.  Claiming power and wholeness is a hallmark of the new world experience!  What we are undergoing right now is a changeover of power from the old …

Truth and Lies

Wherever you are today, you are further along the path to ascension than yesterday; there are many steps to take on this journey, so plan to enjoy the process!

The old world is built of lies.  It tells you that …

New World Ego

Hi Ascending Friends!

The latest new thing in the ascension process that I have seen is what I call the new world ego!  As a healer and ascension worker, identifying this aspect of our ascension process has allowed me to …