Valentines Day Love, Healing and Forgiveness

I am writing on Valentine’s Day and feeling that this year it is much more than a Hallmark Holiday! Deep within our hearts and souls profound change is taking place.  It is like the ice breakup that is happening today outside, like river ice cracking, melting, flooding.  It is healing and forgiveness awakened by love from our true selves which grows stronger daily during the process of ascension.  This months full moon is building with this same impulse and it is powerful!

Can you feel these shifts?  They are transforming our lives from the ground up, like the our world since Imbolc or Groundhog Day when spring begins warming up under the snow from the planetary core.  The old self is transforming from deep within us turning old world ice, to new world fluid.  Things which used to be impossible to let go of are losing power and we are beginning to realize we have the strength to become new.  To enter our new world selves more fully.

I also have been experiencing healing and release of my deepest blocks, and increasing love and forgiveness of myself now and of my past.  When I make these shifts for myself, I am asked to help release, heal and forgive similar things for our world and beyond throughout the history of life in the universe.  We are all a part of this vast history and inextricably linked together on our journey.  Everyone’s roles in each other’s lives are essential.  We are always serving the greater good, even when it sometimes seems like we might be hurting others; and likewise others are serving us always, even when they seem horribly cruel.  How can this be?  It is because who we are is eternal, safe and unbreakable.  The hardships instigate the building of soul muscles that are needed to be whole and in integrity with our new world selves in the new world.  The wounds heal, but the strength remains and becomes wholeness.  This happens by the process of self-commitment — to grow into our truest selves through the journey of love, healing, forgiveness and ascension.

I hope you took time to watch the first two video blogs of Eve’s 3 Most Important Things for Riding the Wave of Change.  These simple tools help you hold steady during changes.  The more steady you are in your new world truth, the easier you can allow the old to slough off.  In each moment we are choosing either our new world self or our old world self.  This defines our experience for that time, but it happens mostly at an instinctual level.  Using these tools gives you a strong focus in your new world self so you can catch yourself more quickly before slipping and sliding into old world muck.  Video #1 is the post from 1-18-19, and Video #2 from 2-8-19 you can find them either on the home page as you scroll down, or once they are no longer there you can find them at YouTube on my channel Eve Wilson Bridge To Wholeness .  I have to say that videos are much more  challenging and time consuming for me than writing, but I am enjoying this opportunity to say hello with sight and sound and to hopefully make some things clearer that I have been writing about.

I am blessed to have you share this process of ascension with me.  Writing, healing and teaching helps me to be more responsible and conscious in my own journey of ascension.  It drives me to live more in my power and to release my old limitations…like making videos stretches me in new ways which I would avoid if not for my love for you who are also experiencing this changing world. You teach me and I teach you and together we are ascending more easily and quickly!

Blessings and Love, Eve

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Francia Hidalgo
Francia Hidalgo
5 years ago

Thank you so much Eve for your helpful insights and Love!?