How to Be Positive and Clear

Here is a way to live positive, clear and in our true loving selves while the waves of change on planet earth are doing their best to push our buttons and bring our lower nature to the fore.

The waves …

The Open Heart of Ascension

I wonder how many of you realized when you worked with last week’s ascension meditation that there were two elements I included which were most potent and essential for a successful experience.  The first was centering within an open heart …

Ascending $ & War – A Powerful Vision of Oneness

Dear Ascending Friends,

It is with joy that I sit down to share with you what I am experiencing through the ascension of our world.  Today I was asked to work with bringing healing and hope into the experience of …

Healing & Trust

Dear Ascending Friends,

I am glad that you are all with me in this ascension process!  Together we can be an influence of trust and healing during this time of transition and change.  Strengthening that influence has been the theme …

How It Works

The processes of healing and ascension are a partnership like the relationship of fingers to the hand; they appear to be inseparable at this time, each function supporting the other.  To explain how this process works, I will begin with …