Potent Purposeful Love

We are building spiritual love muscles!  There is so much in our world that is not loving, or which is hard to love right now.  To ascend into unity we need to identify with our true selves absolutely.  Our true …

Unconditional Love and the Election

Here is my World Ascension Worker’s Guide to Voting for the New World!

The United States is 60%+ new world at this point.  That is hugely different than during the last election, when we were about 15% new world.*  This …

So Much Love Available Now

When I asked the Higher Power what message I should share with you this week, I felt a huge wave of love and strength reaching out to you.  He/She said to tell you that there is a great deal of …

Earth Changes

I received a message this morning that the next seven days will see some earth changes which will initiate a major shift up in ascension for the planet and all of us who inhabit her.  I spent some time inquiring …

Lunar Eclipse – Ascended Masters

Tuesday’s lunar eclipse was a gift of healing and ascension!  The world energy felt like a huge pressure on me that afternoon until I remembered to work with the eclipse.  Thankfully I had time because the changes that were happening …