So Much Love Available Now

When I asked the Higher Power what message I should share with you this week, I felt a huge wave of love and strength reaching out to you.  He/She said to tell you that there is a great deal of love enveloping you as you let go of the old and step up to your new world selves.  Coming with this is a feeling of welcome, reassurance, gratitude and peace that is available to help you to surrender your fears, uncertainties, hurts, judgments, and concerns.  An invitation to trust is being extended.

I would share with you that while the old negative states of consciousness feel as strong as ever, they are just shells of their old selves; fragile and ready to release.  As soon as you open to the higher intelligence and love of your true selves within, those old lies begin to dissipate.  Feeling them dissipate may cause some concern because the change is both emotional and vibrational.  This is our old identity and it is releasing.  So, there may be sensations that could be interpreted as anxiety or a problem.  But if you open to the unconditional love flowing from the Higher Power, it will help you to go within and anchor on your true self.  Your new world home is ready to be born inside of you increasingly!

There needs to be an anchor as you shift.  Something that holds you steady so that you can let go of what is not true of you and shift up into your true self.  I created three videos to help you to do this.  They are available on this blog site when you type into one of three search boxes on the Home Page the words:

3 Most Important Things

If you have already worked with these videos, you can just watch #3 to get the overview of all of them.  Or if you want the detailed walk through listen to all of them.  They will teach you these things:

  • Inner Wisdom – How to access the anchor of your true self within
  • Be A Tree – How to receive support of clear energy from the source and learn to be whole in unity between your instinctual physical, conscious, and higher conscious aspects of self. How to hold a strong boundary of true self to help you be safe and steady as the world experiences chaos.
  • Balance Point – Increasing the focus of your true self to build “ballast” like a sailboat has a rudder to keep it upright when the waves are high.
  • New World Nursery – How to focus in your new world self and be protected and supported by a spiritual foundation that makes living in the new world easier every day.
  • Old World Nursery – How to release your old world negative aspects into a safe and supported foundation of love that assists them to heal and ascend as they are able to.

These and other things are available through the videos.  I hope you will take advantage of these tools for riding the waves of change!  As you hold steady the shifts needed to take place can happen much more smoothly and quickly.  When you are not grounded into your true self, you can get pulled out with the undertow and feel lost in the waves of chaos.  So daily use of these tools is recommended for smooth sailing on the often-turbulent seas of our world during this period of change.

Again, I would remind you that as things come up that need to clear, there will be emotions and sensations which can lead you to become concerned.  I would suggest that you focus an anchor of trust into your Inner Wisdom and new world self as taught in the videos or however you do that.  Then allow the waves of change to clear the old baggage that is ready to go and strengthen the unconditional love which is who you really are.

Blessings and love on your journey of ascension dear friends!  Eve

P.S. Riding the Wave of Change – Hope, Healing & Spiritual Growth for Our World is available at to help you understand and navigate our journey of ascension.

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Lisa Ambroselli
Lisa Ambroselli
3 years ago

As I am sitting here at my kitchen table,tears rolling down my face,feeling overwhelmed,heartbroken and alone with everything going on in this world I asked my guides, what can I do? Your blog came in. Thank you Eve for answering my question. I will definitely utilize the videos. With Much Love and Respect, Lisa Ambroselli

3 years ago

The spiritual tools that I have learned from you have been a lifeline through the current situation and through more emotionally turbulent moments in my life. I feel such gratitude for you and your work.

Jeanette Farley
Jeanette Farley
3 years ago

Your use of the word trust sparked in me a realization that it is trust that has been missing when I get frustrated at my father’s lack of being responsible for his own health. It seemed hard to enfold him in love as I’d watch him make poor choices, but trust is what allows me to do so. I trust my Inner Wisdom to see what part I need to play, and trust that everything else will resolve itself.