Sandhill Cranes & Mercury Retrograde

I had two visits from Sandhill Cranes this week!  One was live and the other a vision.  They are the largest and most ancient birds on Earth.  They are also a bridge to the ascended state.  The beautiful prehistoric sound …

Loving the New Reality

This week there has been a marked difference in the way that things have been shifting for our world.  Old world energy structures that have come up for healing have shown minimal resistance to clearing and the new world energies …

So Much Love Available Now

When I asked the Higher Power what message I should share with you this week, I felt a huge wave of love and strength reaching out to you.  He/She said to tell you that there is a great deal of …

Challenges Make Us Change

We think we have our goals set up and are moving forward and then some big challenge comes up and undermines our progress.  What is it all about?  Are we being distracted from our purpose or is something else going …