Loving the New Reality

This week there has been a marked difference in the way that things have been shifting for our world.  Old world energy structures that have come up for healing have shown minimal resistance to clearing and the new world energies are coming in easily and with greater wholeness, strength and depth.  Some very deep old pockets of darkness are now resolving, clearing and being lifted up to a place where they can begin to grow into new world experiences.  I am loving this!

In last week’s post I mentioned the 6 alternate/parallel realities of Earth and a commenter asked me to write more about that.  Since it is pertinent to today’s post, I will attempt to explain this complex subject.

Life is not a linear experience, it is holographic, meaning it can be perceived from many different angles and levels of experience.  I would refer you to your own experiences – I’m sure you can recall how you can sometimes be in a very positive and happy space one minute, and then suddenly be experiencing life from a much more negative space.  You might sometimes have felt like you were moving in the wrong direction, and suddenly everything was as it should be.  Or you might have felt as though you are clear about choices, and then in another moment you were seeing things from an entirely different light. These shifts can be almost like day and night. Though we have gotten used to thinking this just relates to human inconsistency; most of the time, these experiences indicate a shift from one alternate reality to another.  There are 6 alternate parallel worlds or realities that are all Earth, and each one has a different focus of experience. — Sounds so Sci-Fi doesn’t it?? Reality is stranger than fiction! —  Depending on our beliefs, reactions, attitudes and choices we slip from one parallel reality/world to another.  This may happen many times a day, or we could be in just one for a long time.  This has significance for a healer, because some healing work may only affect one or two of those realities, and therefore a person may eventually slip into a more negative state again and get stuck there.  That may have the person wondering what happened to the good healing work!

When the old world was the most common level of experience for us, it was difficult to heal more than one or two alternate realities during a healing treatment and so the treatment was more shallow, less fully manifested.  But Earth is ascending rapidly out of the old world and into the new.  Depending on which part of the planet you live in, the new world is currently 40-60% present — the U.S. is 60% new world overall and increasing daily.  As the percentage of new world increases, more of the 6 alternate/parallel realities of Earth are likely to heal at once.  That exponentially increases the positive influence of the work. The new world is taking on more dimension because of this – rather than being one or two dimensional it becomes multi-dimensional.  As it does it is becoming the stronger influence and so it’s easier to stay in the new world focus instead of feeling pulled into the negativity of the old world. (If you do not understand the terms old world and new world, I will explain that further within this article).

I have had several requests to explain more fully what the new world nursery and the transitional nursery are and how to use them.  I am grateful for this feedback from people and am happy to continue to go deeper into these kinds of explanations until it makes sense to everyone!

We currently straddle the old world and the new world experiences — Don’t confuse this with the alternate/parallel realities we mentioned earlier.  I am now referring to our primary world experience for Earth and all her parallel realities —  The old world was millions of years of evolutionary classroom; designed to build the capacities needed for our eternal spirit to live within individual incarnations. The old world was all about separating out of Oneness and anchoring consciousness into lower vibrations where our planet could birth endless numbers of unique individuals.  In 2012 Earth’s contracts for the old world ended and the new world contracts began.  These new contracts initiate 350,000,000+ years of ascending back into unity while remaining individual.  We are currently in the most critical phase of that journey, which requires letting go of the old world experiences of separation and all its problems to return to wholeness and unity. In the new world we become co-creators with the One, to birth all the truth, beauty and majesty this world is capable of. Thus, the chaos we are experiencing in our world currently.  My work as a world healer and ascension worker is to smooth this journey for all of us on Earth. — For more about ascension, see my book link at the end of this post.

One of the world ascension workers on my team is a mother of 8 and grandmother of about 20.  She brought the new world nursery to our awareness, for which I am very grateful!  She, being a person who is all about nurturing new life, was the first of our team to notice it. The new world nursery is a foundation built and supported by enlightened beings of unconditional love.  It helps people to stand more firmly in the new world experience so we can more easily let go of the old.  It assists us to let go of our old habits and false identity of being separate.  And to embrace unity and co-creation of a better experience of life in partnership with our Higher Selves and the Oneness of Life.  I call that Oneness the Essence of Truth of God — reaching beyond people’s assumptions and ideas about it, accessing unconditional love as clearly as I am capable at the present time.

There is also a transitional nursery which is similarly a platform created and supported by enlightened and unconditionally loving beings.  Its job is to nurture and support our old world selves during and until they are ready to transition into the new world.  This helps those parts of us to be less fearful and more calm during transition.  It also allows our Higher Self to bridge between the old world and new world aspects of ourselves as needed without us losing our focus in the new world.
Using these nurseries is as simple as getting grounded into your wholeness through imagining yourself as a tree, centering on the Inner Wisdom which exists with you. From there you can ask to live in your new world self in the new world nursery, to release your old world self into the transitional nursery, and to allow your Higher Self to bridge between the two as needed.  In this way you have everything you need to stay focused in your new world experience.

Here is how you can learn to do that:

My video series called Eve’s 3 Most Important Things is available on this blog site and teaches you these tools.  Video #3 teaches the nurseries.  I am hoping that the description of the nurseries in this post will help more people find it easy to follow the instructions to implement these amazingly simple and effective tools.  Life can be easier and more fun; give them a try!  Just type the words: 3 Most Important Things into one of the search boxes on this site and it will pull the series up for you.

More tools to help you ascend are available in my Web Store as Mini-Classes.  Chakra Tuning is helpful for getting into harmony, unity and increasing physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.  Power Animal Work can give you the courage and strength you need to shift and respond effectively to life during this time of transformation.  Qabalah and Archangels can help you ascend to your next level of new world and heal where you are stuck in the old world by working with your Tree of Life and the Archangels that support that.  You can find these and other Mini-Classes at www.spiritualhealers.com/store

For those who are new to the ideas of ascension you can read my book Riding the Wave of Change – Hope, Healing and Spiritual Growth for our World available at www.evewilson-ridingthewave.com

Blessings on your journey of life and ascension dear friends!  Love, Eve

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Tyra Petoskey
Tyra Petoskey
3 years ago

Brilliant 🌟!! I feel it too! 💖. Thank you for your insight.

Sally Pinchock
Sally Pinchock
3 years ago

Thank you for the explanation of how we move back and forth between the old and new world. It is exactly what I am experiencing and the old world guilt of thinking I am not or cannot ascend keeps creeping in. This gives me the ‘permission’ to know that I am transitioning and really where I need to be. Thank you.