Unconditional Love and the Election

Here is my World Ascension Worker’s Guide to Voting for the New World!

The United States is 60%+ new world at this point.  That is hugely different than during the last election, when we were about 15% new world.*  This …

Loving the New Reality

This week there has been a marked difference in the way that things have been shifting for our world.  Old world energy structures that have come up for healing have shown minimal resistance to clearing and the new world energies …

How to Thrive During Transformation

People are undergoing transformational cycles in their bodies, emotions, minds and souls caused by the journey of ascension on Earth.  This is like having your house under construction where rooms are unavailable for use.  As with your outer house, you …

Staying Awake in the New World

The new world is growing increasingly supportive and accessible!  How do we overcome the habits of the old world so we can live consistently in this better state of being? The old world has been our experience since the dawn …

Compassion Balances Polarities

Perhaps the greatest issue to be overcome in America is one that each of us can work with in our own lives.  It is the trend toward polarized attitudes, which can best be overcome with compassion.

How did our country …