Loving the New Reality

This week there has been a marked difference in the way that things have been shifting for our world.  Old world energy structures that have come up for healing have shown minimal resistance to clearing and the new world energies …

So Much Love Available Now

When I asked the Higher Power what message I should share with you this week, I felt a huge wave of love and strength reaching out to you.  He/She said to tell you that there is a great deal of …

Finding the New World in the Holidays

To carry Spirit’s light to world-winter night

Strives blissfully the impulse of my heart,

That shining seeds of soul

Take root in grounds of worlds,

And Word of God in senses’ darkness

Resounds, transfiguring all being.

This quote from Rudolph …

Peace on Earth

Here at the beginning of fall, the new world Earth is manifesting about three times stronger than it was in the spring this year.  And you may recall that in the spring I commented how much stronger it was than …

Resistances & Preferences

In recent weeks I have spent a lot of time working with national and international concerns and the ascension process.  As always I have sought to understand the purpose behind events relative to the journey of ascension.  And as is …