Resistances & Preferences

In recent weeks I have spent a lot of time working with national and international concerns and the ascension process.  As always I have sought to understand the purpose behind events relative to the journey of ascension.  And as is often the case, this understanding requires me to work with an ascended mind and heart in order to rise above my judgments and reactions so I can perceive the potent opportunities that lie behind the contracts for our old world experiences.  This is necessary so I don’t interfere with things which are needed, or put myself in harms way by trying to stop or change them.

What I find is that it always helps raise the vibrations of the experience for our world when I am allowed to increase the presence of Higher Intelligence and Love from the One Source within an area of conflict or concern.  And I am often surprised that when I do that I can also perceive the necessity for the circumstances as they are.  I see those who are involved in them allowing the old world journey to complete its purpose so they and their soul groups can ascend.  I find myself feeling compassion and gratitude for the souls who have come here with contracts that fulfill these purposes at this time; whether they be acting in ways with which I personally agree if they are undergoing great suffering, or whether my human perceptions call their behavior hateful.  It doesn’t matter what I my preferences or judgments are, what is important is that the soul muscles are being built and the old world contracts are being finished so that ascension can proceed.

What I see are generation upon generation of old soul group contracts for experiences of fear, greed, hatefulness, limitation, and soul growth through these experiences.  What appears at this time to be an increase in negative things, is actually the lifting of those issues into the light so they can transition to the new world.  This allows the Higher Power to act in unconditional love to remove hereditary, soul group and cultural obstructions which were created during the old world need for opposition, limitation and soul building.  When I work with these things it becomes easier day by day to lift it all into the care of the Higher Power so blocks can be cleared and souls can ascend.

Those of us who are consciously on the ascending path may be experiencing symptoms caused by our resistance to these experiences in our world, and in the lives of those we love, or our own personal lives.  This resistance keeps us in a state of suffering and we may experience it  physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually or financially.  Resistance may be conscious – relating to judgment or fear, anger or sadness; or it may be unconscious, showing up in our physical bodies as pain, stiffness, allergies and other levels of disease.  Pay attention to these symptoms of resistance, because they will direct you to the parts of you which need to partner with your Higher Self more effectively.  Seek to understand the roots of your distress, because what is happening in the outer world is pushing buttons in your psyche from your own past and that of your family and soul group.  Because we are ascending, as you complete your contracts for the suffering, it will pass more quickly than you would think.

When you recognize what part of you is resisting, both the conscious and unconscious resistances, you have an opportunity to choose not to resist, but to trust.  Trust can begin by recognizing the judgments and fears you are holding, and opening your new world heart chakra both to those old world parts of you, and to your connection with the Source of Life, both within your heart, and within the cosmos.  You are not alone, and you always have a connection to that Source, whatever name you like to use for it.  I use the essence of truth of God which means the clearest focus of the One available at this time, beyond religious ideas about it.

You can welcome the flow of the new world, like a river of unconditional love through yourself and your life, healing and building the new world.  It flows from the One Source and through all creation and can help you release what is stuck within you, as you allow it to massage through your body and aura, open your new world heart chakra which allows healing to happen.  Give the troubles and concerns of your life to the One, like you are releasing rocks into the river of ascension.  Most of what you are carrying is not yours to bear, and you can let the power of unconditional love lift them up and do the healing that you cannot do yourself.

Then be open to understanding what it is that you can do to help with these things.  Whether through letting go of judgments about the present or the past, and embracing the gifts you are contracted to receive through these experiences; or receiving the love of your true self into every cell of your body and every circumstance of your life.  Or maybe your job is to bring your concerns for a Healing and Ascension Treatment where I can help you assist your entire soul group to heal and ascend by releasing blocks and rewriting old world contracts to help with the journey of ascension.

Some of you have learned these skills from me and can do all that healing work  yourselves.  Remember to do that, but it is okay to ask for help if you want to!  If you don’t work this stuff through, but continue to judge, fear and worry, you end up carrying the burden for your family, soul group and the world, and it is just too heavy and causes you suffering in some very real ways.

Below are instructions for working with the new world and old world nurseries.  They will explain what these are as you read them. Last week I asked the Higher Power to update the old world nursery so that when you release your old world self into it, it can also handle your old world soul group contracts, so you aren’t carrying the whole soul group, just your own part of the contract, and you are assisted in resolving that.

  1. Breathe into your Inner Wisdom deep within your new world heart chakra in the middle of your chest and back behind your spine.
  2. From within your open heart chakra choose to live in your new world self in the new world nursery where you are supported, protected and strengthened in the new world experience as it grows stronger every day.
  3. Then choose to release your old world self into the old world nursery, where it is supported and nurtured as it prepares to ascend when it is ready; and is assisted to stay out of the way of your new world experience.
  4. Then, ask that any of your group soul contracts which are ready to be released, would be given into the old world nursery and supported in resolving.
  5. This lifts the burden of them from you, so you will be able to resolve your personal parts of them, without being overwhelmed by the weight of the whole soul group.

Wednesday July 11 from 7:00 – 8:30 I will be at Unity of Livonia for a Healing & Ascension Experience and Book Signing.  I hope you can come, and bring a friend if you want!

Thanks for liking, commenting and sharing this post if it feels right to you.

Blessings, love and gratitude for helping our world ascend! Eve

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