Ascending Fear

Fear is a well established habit of our old world selves.  As we are ascending fear has seemed to call us back into the dark places of our past, and cast shadows on our beliefs and expectations for the future.  Today I found a way that fear can help our ascension rather than impede it, and I am beyond grateful for that!

When people are afraid it often opens the tear on their Qabalah Tree of Life that I wrote about in my book Riding the Wave of Change – Hope, Healing & Spiritual Growth for Our World (available at

In the Tree of Life or Qabalah, the tear which is called Daat occurs in the throat area – see the image below. During great stress it opens like a portal to vast well of fear and confusion in the collective unconscious. This happens because of feeling hopeless and alone, separate from our One Source, though we are intimately a part of it.  People may feel uncomfortable in their throats and heads when this occurs and a sense of being out of control of their life.  Everything and everyone can seem threatening and they can feel overwhelmed and a little bit crazy.  Kind of like a confusing bad dream.  In the chapter Tools for Ascension in Riding the Wave of Change you learn to heal your own Daat and help it ascend.  But today I am writing about a healing that happened for the whole USA.

Not too long ago I learned to work with the One Source during individual Healing and Ascension Treatments to upgrade this tear so it becomes a way for the One to enter our unconscious selves to aid our healing and ascension.  Today I was guided to use this on a larger scale by asking for repair and upgrades for most people in our country relative to their Daat when they feel fear.  Now when fear is experienced, people will receive the presence and unconditional love of the One.  This is completely opposite of what most people would ordinarily have experienced because fear tends to shut the door on love and makes us feel alone, vulnerable and perhaps desperate.  While those feelings may be their somewhat still, they will be more easily surmountable and become a part of the process of ascension.

As I was guided to ask for this healing today for people in the USA, I saw a lot of clearing of fears and negativity from the present and for all the generations leading up to it.  With the presence of the One meeting people in their fear, I believe there will emerge a deeper sense of trust and they will begin to heal and ascend on the deep levels of their unconscious selves.  This will allow their own Higher Selves to increasingly influence their instinctual reactions, choices and actions to reflect unconditional love, unity and wholeness.

Already this shift is helping to undo the long history of family, soul group, planetary and cosmic fear and stress, to help old traumas resolve more easily and remove the walls that fear creates within our bodies, souls and relationships.

I think this is a nice Birthday present for our country!

Thank you for liking, sharing or commenting on this post as it feels right for you to do so!  And perhaps I will see you at Unity of Livonia next Wednesday the 11th from 7:00 – 8:30 for an increased understanding of ascension, a healing and ascension meditation and a book signing for Riding the Wave of Change!

Blessings and Love,


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