Beautiful Art of Your Higher Self

Like a potter working their artistic medium, your Higher Self inserts their fingers into the clay of your soul and molds you into the perfect vessel for your Higher Self to live within and act through in the world.  There are no mistakes in this process, there is only the journey of unfolding purpose leading toward perfect unity.

To reach that point of perfection, there are many different versions of your soul, through many lifetimes.  Each version is designed for that time with specific soul building opportunities.  These opportunities are contracted for your own growth and for others who are growing along side of you, each in their own way.  Some of those who are contracted to journey with you are also working to build the same muscles, through overcoming the same challenges you face.  Others are contracted to oppose you and make your grow.  Some people embody both sides of this equation in their relationships with you.

During this time of ascension, we are being rebuilt many times within a single lifetime!  Our Higher Selves are ready to bring us home into much greater unity and wholeness, but this change has to happen in many small changes over a relatively short period of time; we are looking at 20 – 25 years.  With each shift we are able to more fully realize our potential and fulfill our contracts on a deeper level.  Understanding the brevity of this phase of our ascension, helps us to understand why things feel so chaotic right now.

It’s important to remember that this is what is happening, or we could become frustrated and judgmental of our self and our world for being so unsettled, which is often uncomfortable physically, emotionally, mentally and societally.  Instead, understanding that something amazing and good is happening, we can choose to keep an open heart and mind. We can choose to be compassionate with ourselves and others as we allow these changes to bring us home to the greater unity and clarity we are able to experience with each shift up.

Your Higher Self is incredibly strong and gifted.  As you ascend, your human self is able to change to be more like your Higher Self, and to surrender your old human ego identity in favor of the newer, more beautiful model you!  Yes it is periodically quite uncomfortable, but all growth is somewhat.

I so enjoyed the lovely sanctuary and community of Unity of Livonia last night.  I want to thank them for having me!  After my notes disappeared mysteriously, extemporaneous turned out to be just right.  I want to share this metaphor which emerged:  We are like a baby chick inside an egg.  When the time nears for leaving the egg and entering the larger world, the egg becomes limiting, and no longer provides nourishment.  If you are feeling limited and unnourished by your life, see this as an indication that you are preparing to leave the egg of the old you, and step into a new you that your Higher Self is artistically creating for you.  Reach within yourself to your Inner Wisdom — the seed of your Higher Self, and open your heart and mind to soak in the love from your true self.  Then relax and allow the shifts to happen, with trust and excitement about the new world self which you are growing into!  You may need to let go of preconceptions about what your new self will be like; until you are in the next phase of you, and then it will be clear who you are and what your purpose is at that next phase of your journey.  Trust your Higher Self and the purpose that it holds.

Blessings on your journey of ascension and life this week my friends!  Thank you for liking, sharing and commenting as it feels right to help others to find this message.

Gratitude and love for each of you, Eve

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Liz Squire
Liz Squire
5 years ago

Hits home, right on. So encouraging. Thank you eve. See you at 2:40 for our appt. ?❤️