The Secret of Love

How many types of love are there? — love of pleasure, passionate love, Love of beauty and goodness, sympathetic love,  love of family, of comfort, of possessions, love of an individual, love of community, love of service, love of self.  Almost all the ways that humans can love have to do with being pleased by something we find worthy and that makes us feel good.  How can we know unconditional love?

The secret is that unconditional love is only available from the enlightened place where our Higher Selves always reside.  From our lower human self, unconditional love may seem like a mystery, we may believe we have a concept of it, but when it really comes down to it, it is more challenging than we may expect. To know unconditional love, we need to be in partnership with our Higher Selves. Ascending, we are increasingly living that partnership, and in that place we can’t help but be unconditionally loving.  In the transition between lower human consciousness and enlightened/ascended consciousness, meditating on unconditional love can help us to hone in on our true path.

I think that you will be pleasantly surprised by how much progress you have made in learning to love unconditionally when you read the following list!  To the degree that you have learned to respond in these ways even some of the time, you are already integrating your Higher Self into your life. In other words, YOU ARE ASCENDING!

Characteristics of unconditional love include:

  • Acceptance that everything is as it is supposed to be for the time and circumstances — even ourselves.
  • Committing to live from our individual core of truth to the degree that we are able, without judging the behaviors and choices of others or having an attitude of superiority.
  • Forgiving distress and discomfort others cause or that we cause others — accepting and seeking to understand and satisfy the purpose discomfort holds for us in each uncomfortable situation.  This allows us to gain what we need from the experience and discomfort than becomes unnecessary.
  • Remembering that all souls are purposeful for an enlightened aspect of the One, even those who appear evil.  Unconditional love honors the roles and jobs that each soul plays in the greater purposes of life, even when we don’t understand them.
  • Honoring the path of those who appear to be victims — that these are valid roles and contracted experiences for people, animals, and the environment. Remembering that all souls are eternal and therefore safe and unbreakable. Helping where that feels right for us to do so, but without superiority, judgment or shame.
  • Having compassion for all souls and the experiences they undergo to evolve and ascend, including ourselves.
  • Being thankful for the presence of the One as we invite it to enfold all things in unconditional love, and ask it to bring the greatest benefit with the least suffering to all life, through all experiences.
  • Unconditional love allows us to forgive ourselves and others without having to make someone right and someone wrong.  It is compassionate to both sides.
  • It can use all expressions of emotion, thought and power in ways which are exactly right for the circumstances.  Anger used in unconditional love is just the right amount of force to allow appropriate change to happen, no more, no less — it is not a reaction, but an action of choice that flows from love.  Love used in unconditional love chooses to be free from sticky agendas or the need to have love returned — in unconditional love we are love, and therefore not wounded by the lack of love from others.  We are filled with love and unity with Higher Self and therefore satisfied.
  • Unconditional love withholds where giving will disempower ourselves or others — allowing others to find the strength within to achieve and grow in their lives.  And it gives freely where there is a clear sense that giving is appropriate and empowering for ourselves and others but without agendas on what the receiver does with it.
  • Unconditional love holds us as we step into new or uncertain circumstances and find ourselves riding the waves of change in our lives and world.  It gives us the ability to trust and access our higher intelligence to make the most of the opportunities each day presents.

I am certain that there is still so much that I don’t know about unconditional love, but walking the path of spiritual healing and ascension I learn more each day.  If you have something to add to this list, please share a comment!

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Blessings and love on your journey of ascension!  Eve

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5 years ago

Eve, you have stated this in such a lovely and beautiful way. Hello from a big fan of yours from Metro Detroit 🙂 – Jen

5 years ago

Unconditional love continues to be present even when a situation or relationship is inconvenient, costly, confused, not agreed with or hard to be with.