Experiencing Security During Time of Change

This period of change on Earth is perfectly designed to bring each of us home to our true identity and potential.  The world as we know it is like the womb when the infant has grown enough to be born.  …

The Secret of Love

How many types of love are there? — love of pleasure, passionate love, Love of beauty and goodness, sympathetic love,  love of family, of comfort, of possessions, love of an individual, love of community, love of service, love of self.  …

Emotions Ascending

So much of where we get stuck in the old world has to do with emotions.  All of us are carrying Post Traumatic Stress  after lifetimes in the old world experience.  There are good aspects to this, because if we …

Love Is Who We Are

Love is who we are.  I grew up thinking that love was something you give and receive, and that led me to compromise myself in order to receive love and in order to give love to others, thus perpetuating some …