Karma & Genetics

The tasks and lessons of many lifetimes may be carried through our hereditary line and genetic material.  Generation after generation we have incarnated with those in our soul groups, to work through the opportunities and challenges we have contracted for, …

Transformational Virus

To help our genetic material ascend we have been given our current world viral concern.  I am not naming it because I don’t want to fan that flame of anxiety, but rather calm our hearts and minds as we go …

Emotions Ascending

So much of where we get stuck in the old world has to do with emotions.  All of us are carrying Post Traumatic Stress  after lifetimes in the old world experience.  There are good aspects to this, because if we …

Symptoms and Signs of Ascension

Each day brings us closer to the ascended state.  Step by step we are emerging out of our old world selves and integrating more of our own essence of truth.  These are dramatic changes we are making individually and for …

Nothing Is Personal

As a healer and ascension worker what the ascension process looks like is this:  everything is connected to everything else, whatever you grab ahold of to assist on its way out of the world to be healed and reborn, drags …