Transformational Virus

To help our genetic material ascend we have been given our current world viral concern.  I am not naming it because I don’t want to fan that flame of anxiety, but rather calm our hearts and minds as we go through this period of transformation.  You all know what I am writing about anyway!

I have taken some time to work with the Higher Power which I often call the Essence of Truth of God to understand and respond spiritually to this viral influence. It is clearly what I call an Ascension Virus which is a way to help us shift out of the old genetic structure and programming into a higher vibration structure, so our bodies can ascend into the new world.  Though we would rather not go through this period of disease, it is a remarkably efficient way to make this change.

It is always challenging for me to work as a spiritual healer and ascension worker with something which could harm those I love and care about.  I have learned the hard way that unless I work in unconditional love, there are repercussions which effect my clarity and health, and which may actually increase the intensity of what I am trying to help heal.  So, when I worked with the current virus, I had to overcome the fear and anxiety that I felt from all of us who are facing this prospect.  I had to find and access the place within myself which trusts fully and is willing to accept and not try to interfere with the purpose and soul contracts and world contracts we all are subject to.  From there I had to reach beyond the world vibration of fear, anxiety and desire to control; to access the pure higher intelligence and unconditional love of the One Source and those enlightened Beings which work from that level, who wanted my help with this.

My first task was to ask if this was indeed an ascension virus.  The second was to determine if it was already fully surrounded in unconditional love and controlled by the Higher Power, or if help was needed with that.  It was not clear to me that it was, so I asked for and supported that to happen.  The third task was to understand how this would impact people and if there were an appropriate and optimal way to minimize any unnecessary problems.  This got kind of sticky because the energy around it was so chaotic it was hard to be clear about what to ask for and what to back away from influencing in any way.  To help with that problem I worked repeatedly for most of a day and night to understand.  Then I asked that anything which I requested which was not in the highest good would be retroactively undone in favor of what is exactly clear and optimal for this ascension experience.

Over time I came to understand what I believe we can expect.  This virus is indeed working on the genetic level for people are not ready or able to shift without its influence.  Those who are already ascending at the affected levels won’t receive the virus at all.  Those who need a little push to shift will get a mild to moderate case.  Those whose bodies can’t receive this shift and ascend in their current bodies but whose time has come to ascend, will leave their bodies and enter the new world in new bodies.

The shifts that this virus brings will make great strides in ending the old world and bringing in the new world.  Our genetic material carries so much old baggage – things that come from our ancestral memories which create reactions, habits, attitudes, beliefs and diseases that are deeply entrenched in the old-world contracts.  An ascension virus of this magnitude is an extremely efficient way to release much of that.  It paves the way for us to open to unity with Higher Self and true purpose.

I have to remind myself of two things that always comforts me in these circumstances:

1 – We are all eternal, safe and unbreakable – while our bodies are temporary houses (at least until we learn to ascend them) our true selves have existed for eternity and will continue to exist indefinitely.

2 – Our true eternal selves design our lifetimes and all our experiences to maximize the opportunities for growing our bodies and souls to become perfect vehicles for us to live within.  Every contingency is met relative to this plan created before we incarnated.  And every circumstance is responded to for our greater good and growth.  I have yet to find something in someone’s soul pattern that was truly accidental.

These two things are cold comfort when someone you love leaves the planet or has to go through hard times.  However, it is what helps me to accept, forgive and heal; and to live beyond the fear this journey can invoke within my heart and mind.  I want those I love to succeed on this journey in the best way for them.  I know there is a plan for that to happen.  Supporting their goals, I surrender my personal desires for them, but help where I am clearly allowed to do so.  This approach helps me ascend, so while it is challenging it is a good thing.  I focus on unity between my human and eternal spirit aspects and find there the strength, perspective and comfort to let go of my agendas for those I love.  I have learned to grieve efficiently, honestly, willingly and with an open heart for what I must release.  It is one of the most growthful things I do.

I believe that a relatively small number of Americans will die from this virus.  Despite the chaos and old-world attitudes we see here, we are already actively ascending to a very large degree.  The old world is not as firmly rooted here as it is in many other countries.  Our genetic material reflects that greater ability to change and ascend.

If you feel you could use a little extra support on this journey, March’s Body Mind Spirit Guide Magazine and my Facebook, Linked-In and BMSNetwork all offer a coupon for $10 off Healing & Ascension Treatments this month.  You can reach me through my website  or email me at to schedule.

Thank you everyone for being such strong advocates of our ascension into the new world!  Your openness and commitment to wholeness and spiritual growth help all of us to do ascend more quickly.  And thank you for sharing, liking and commenting or asking questions as you feel to.

Blessings and Love Always, Eve

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4 years ago

Your posts provide me with a way of looking at things that is not always my first way. Thank-you! <3

Patricia Ingersoll
Patricia Ingersoll
4 years ago

I am so grateful for your work on our behalf, Eve❣️ My own intuition says this is happening for our good and when you verify it with your gentle words it means so much.

Pat Ingersoll

4 years ago

Thank you for eloquently sharing this information! Very helpful ?

4 years ago

Dear Eve,
I am so grateful for all you do. Reading this has comforted me to understand why this is happening and to calm my feelings. Thank you so much.

Janice E Ewers
Janice E Ewers
4 years ago

Excellent thoughts/words on the world virus. Extending my prayer that this lesson that we must all work together as one people/government/country for this world – and the new one – to work.