Next 10 Weeks

We are about to make an exponential shift up into the new world!  I received a vision of this in several pieces over the past few days.  What I saw is that within the next 5 – 10 weeks we …

Transformational Virus

To help our genetic material ascend we have been given our current world viral concern.  I am not naming it because I don’t want to fan that flame of anxiety, but rather calm our hearts and minds as we go …

Messages from Florida

The love of enlightenment can shine through any life form on earth when their soul has ascended.  It is wonderfully joyful to meet this level of intelligence and love as it manifests uniquely through different ones.  My February visit in …

After the Solar Eclipse – Fantastic!

Saturday and Sunday hosted a partial solar eclipse visible from Asia, Russia, China and Japan.  I didn’t think much about it until I started seeing the results…fantastic!  Everything is shifting up beautifully here in the new year when looked at …