Symptoms and Signs of Ascension

Each day brings us closer to the ascended state.  Step by step we are emerging out of our old world selves and integrating more of our own essence of truth.  These are dramatic changes we are making individually and for the world as a whole.  What are the signs and symptoms of these changes, and how can we tell the difference between ascension and things just falling apart?

The simple answer is that everything is a symptom and sign of ascension!  Both the falling apart and the integrating of the essence of truth are essential parts of the journey.  Where people are more stuck, or more identified with their old world selves the journey is bumpier and they experience more stress as they are assisted to release old ways and identities.  Where people are more identified with their essence of truth or Higher Self, they surrender the old more easily; and while they still have to deal with changes, life is able to support them through it for quicker resolution and ease of passage.

Each of us embodies elements of both of these trends.  Some people and cultures are more old world in their identities and some are more new.  But even those who are eager to ascend experience old world elements which seem to intensify as other parts of them become more new world.  A lot of times those of who are ascending quickly are helping others through connections with their soul groups and families.  A soul group is composed of those who have been evolving along similar lines for many lifetimes and who began as a single soul that divided into many souls at some point in the past.

Each of us are a part of numerous soul groups.  As we ascend, we may find that no matter how we desire to ascend, there is a part which seems stuck.  When this happens we are likely supporting change for others.  By continually working with that stuck place, we are sending an influence of release, healing and trust through the body of our soul group.  Eventually the shift will occur, and when it does it will feel massive.  This is because many are able to change due to our resolving old world energies personally.

When the world around us appears to be self-destructive or breaking down due to destructive human behavior – this is a sign of ascension.  These factors are not random, they have been carefully designed and nurtured across lifetimes to assist us.  First their job has been the building of soul muscles that we will need as our essence of truth arrives within us, so it can act in the world.  Their opposition has made us grow strong.  Secondly their job is to make the old world experience impossible to hold onto.  If people could hold onto the old they mostly would do so.  Where people are holding on, the circumstances have to become out of control so people will let go.  When all else fails, people will have to reach within their selves to find the emerging seed of unity and essence of truth that can only be found within.  Those of us who willingly let go make it much easier and quicker for everyone else to do so!

Many of the infections people, plants and animals are experiencing are part of the genetic and hereditary levels of ascension.  They are helping us to be reborn on the deepest level, but the first step is a lot of breaking down and clearing out of the old.  Likewise fires, floods, crazy weather patterns and social and political challenges are all symptoms of ascension.  Where people, plants and animals appear to die in this world, they can be reborn into the new world.  For some soul groups there appear to be massive die-offs due to disease, environmental issues or war.  This is a way that massive change can occur.  Everyone is eternal, safe and unbreakable, the physical self needs to change, and many choose to leave this world through death as the quickest way to accomplish a big step in ascension.

The positive signs and symptoms of ascension are reassuring, although largely spiritual they are increasingly easy to perceive from within our human selves.  As a healer, what I notice is that change is happening much faster and on many more levels of individuals, soul groups and the planet.  Much less of my energy and will-power is needed to initiate change because the muscles of the new world are so much stronger that the force of unity and unconditional love is able to initiate healing and rebirthing so much more easily.  I wish that I could show you what this looks like on the spiritual levels of our world!  It would be very reassuring for you.

Here are ways that you can experience the new world more strongly:

  • You have a new world self – each day, as often as needed choose from within your heart to live in it.  Enjoy the ease and comfort you find there!
  • You have a new world nursery – created to nurture your new world experience, it will help you to relax and grow your new world self.  From within your heart, ask to be in the new world nursery every day, as often as you need to return to that place of comfort.
  • You have access to unconditionally loving power – to support, protect, help you ascend and heal.  You can call it the Force of Unity if you want.  It is the active force of unconditional love; and it flows from the place of ascended mastery on the Qabalah Tree of Life called Chokmah (some might call this the Cosmic Christ, it is the same whatever you call it).  The Force of Unity is strong and increasingly easy to integrate into your life.  From your heart, welcome it to surround, protect, energize, heal and support your life.
  • As you live increasingly in your new world self expect to feel more whole and trusting of life and change.  As you surrender your judgments and agendas in favor of being in unconditional love and trust, you will be able to welcome the Force of Unity to bring perfect results out of the challenges of your life; results you would not have thought possible and could not have achieved on your own.  When you find it takes longer than desired to see the changes in your life, I hope you will remember that you are part of a larger soul group which needs you to be working on these issues for a while.  Living in your new world self and in the new world nursery you can become objective about the delays in resolution, and trust the process. But keep working with it patiently and with an open heart and mind to overcome fears and distress with learning, growing and loving yourself; choose to ride the waves of change with grace.
  • Ask for a healing and ascension treatment now and then to smooth your journey and that of your soul group too!  You can contact me through the main website link on this page to do so!

In order to accommodate students we have a new day and start date for the Healer & Ascension Certification Course.  It is every other Thursday starting March 15th.  There are openings still in this class if you would like to explore whether it is a good fit for you!  It is wonderful work and a joy to be able to help others and the planet, as well as yourself ascend.  This class is for more than those who are on a professional track.  It is for those whose souls were designed to help with ascension, and many of those will do that privately through their own lives.  You may contact me to apply through the main website link on this page!

Blessings and love for a beautiful week my friends!  Eve

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