Earth Vision: A Hopeful Time

Following the deeply transformational energy of the supermoon and eclipse this week there is a dissolving of old world blocks on very deep levels of our human and planetary souls.  This spiritual softening is mirrored by the season here in the colder climate of Michigan and elsewhere  as we arrive today at what is traditionally called Imbolc, but commonly called Groundhog Day; celebrating the beginning of the end of winter.

All of this lightens our souls and heralds an awakening of new life.  On both the level of ascension and of earth the hard, cold, limiting energies are softening so the roots of fertile life of plants and of spirit can begin to take root and we can begin to foresee a new season of promise and fertility in our near future.

At Imbolc the earth is warming from within, though there may be snow and cold still outside of us.  Likewise, spiritual changes instigate changes in our physical world that may not be immediately evident to our human senses.  But with spiritual senses what is seen is the breaking up of what has been hard and limiting and the deepening of the forces of life, truth, hope and unconditional love.  These beautiful and eternal energies are coming in stronger than we have known them on planet earth at any time in our commonly known history.  This increasing strength comes on a wave of rebirth, heralding an increase in the new world presence.  You may perceive it by a lift in your step and a smile on your face, or a fresh breeze carrying a message of hope.

Writing of Imbolc and the warming of the planet from within, brings to mind the message of a few weeks ago during a healing for woman.   What I saw at that time was something I had known previously, but the vision was much clearer than the inner knowing had been.  I will try to recreate it for you here:

Earth Vision

It is as though I am deep within the substrata of the planet.  I feel heat roiling all around me, it is dark brown with red swirls and what appear to be sparks.  I perceive that Mother Earth is intentionally warming up our world and melting her polar ice.  I sense her as fully in charge of this process and lovingly determined.  She is creating global warming to influence human lives and make way for planetary ascension.  She informs me that compared to her inner heat, the influence of humans on global warming has been toxic and menacing, but paltry.  I perceive that all humans do from within the old world consciousness is purposeful and will inevitably lead us to ascension.  We are not strong enough to kill Earth, but she is strong enough to change us.  The removing of energy drains and blocks that have been effecting woman’s reproductive cycles which I just participated in, and which initiated this vision, has diminished the necessity of so much heat from within the planet.  Now I have a second vision of the poles freezing again! When I ask for a time frame Mother Earth informs me that the planet will be cooling to a balanced state beginning in two years and completing in a little over 5 years.

Though it is good that people have taken note of the threats of global warming and it has made us more aware of our toxic choices; there is a tremendous amount of guilt, shame and blame that humans are loading on ourselves, which really isn’t helpful.  Everything serves a purpose in the process of evolution and ascension, though it is often difficult to understand.  The most helpful thing we can do is to open ourselves to the higher intelligence which is emerging within us, like the warmth of Imbolc is emerging within the planet and dissolving the winter.  The old world is dissolving…we can let it go and allow ourselves be born into our new world selves.  The planet will help us to ascend. The increase in toxic behavior, greed, fear and hatred, like a collective virus burning off the old world energies, is part of the process of change and will pass like a virus, leaving us ready for something new and better.

We have everything to look forward to as we accept this time of transition and trust in the processes we have to undergo to ascend; they were set in motion long before we were born into this life.

For more visions of positive change and healing visit

To become a Healing & Ascension Worker consider joining The Healer & Ascension Certification Course beginning February 21!  Email me through my main website link on this page to explore if this course is on yours soul’s path.

I love you Mother Earth!  And I am awed by your nurturing patience with your human children.  Thank you for being our beautiful home planet.

Blessings and Love to you my friends!  Eve

Afterword: When I receive a vision like this which almost seems too good to be true. I give thanks and continue to work my path, preparing for the worst just in case, but being open and hopeful of the best. I have repeatedly visited with Mother Earth about this, and she feels cooler inside and more relaxed; and continues to show me this short timeline for global warming. I am hopeful.

P.S. Here is a link to the February Body Mind Spirit Guide.  My article on page 20 has an amazing self-healing exercise for you!

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