Love Is Who We Are

Love is who we are.  I grew up thinking that love was something you give and receive, and that led me to compromise myself in order to receive love and in order to give love to others, thus perpetuating some very dysfunctional relationships.  Now that I know love is my state of true being I am learning to fulfill my desire to love everyone and be loved in healthy ways.  This feels much better, and safer!

As we ascend we are coming into unity with our eternal and unconditionally loving true self and it is from this aspect that we love in the healthiest ways.  In order for this to occur, we have to be willing to receive that perfect love into our human self on all levels – emotional, mental, spiritual, physical, social, professional…every part of our experience.  This is where people can get hung up.  Deep down many (perhaps most) of us have decided that we are unworthy of love for some reason – or for myriad reasons.  None of those reasons matter.  Who we are is love and receiving that love into our human self is the solution to all of our problems.  It is the doorway into the new world, and sooner or later we have to open it and step through!

Think of the receiving of unconditional love as an exchange of an old identity for a new identity – like taking off the Halloween costume (scary, powerful, cute or ridiculous) of your old world self and discovering that who you are is someone completely new and different.  You may have liked that old sense of self, and certainly it has had many good characteristics, however, it isn’t who you are.  Even if you are pretty mature and enlightened, who you truly are is likely to be much more than you ever conceived of.

So life send influences to make us surrender what we have identified with in the past.  If we are not taking off that old world costume it will be torn to tatters and we will finally give it up as worthless!  I recommend not waiting that long!  Welcome your unconditionally loving self in now and learn gradually to identify with it and willingly release the old identity.

This is one of those spiritual processes which no one can teach you really, you just have to do it.  The way that I tend to work with this is that whenever I find myself experiencing qualities and reactions within myself which are obviously old world – for example feeling fearful, hopeless, discouraged, hateful or whatever – I recognize it as an opportunity to remove a piece of the old world costume and receive unconditional love of my true self more fully.  This is a beautiful experience because just choosing to respond to the negative states by welcoming unconditional love of my Higher Self into them brings me into the new world.  It bypasses self-judgment, self-justification or blame and takes me straight to compassion, acceptance and leads me into healing and self-love.

With this approach any negative action or reaction in the world around me becomes an opportunity to grow more unconditionally loving.  Below are some tools to help with this process.  They have been taught in previous blogs as well, so they may be familiar to you.  They are mix and match.

Tools for Bringing Unconditional Love Into Yourself:

  • Use the statement – The essence of truth of God is within me and I am within the essence of truth of God
    • Please insert other terms for God anywhere I use that term if they work better for you.  For instance: The Higher Power, The Great Spirit, the One Source, The Force of Unity, The Cosmic Christ, The Buddha or whatever name works for you. The term essence of truth takes you beyond prior understandings and concepts to receive the clearest and truest focus of this energy you are able to at each step along your ascension journey.
    • This statement may be made from within your heart, or from within any part of you that is feeling unloving as though you could speak through that part of yourself. It is a statement of absolute truth and brings you into relationship with your true self.
  • Think of yourself as a wheel.  You can ride the rim of the wheel and experience all the highs and lows and pain as you roll across the lowest points in your circle of life.  Or you can live from the center and feel balanced and connected to the points on the rim, but not riding the highs and lows, rather staying whole and balanced within.
    • When you find yourself suddenly riding the rim and feeling beat up, it may be that some circumstance has poked an aspect of your old world self which needs to be healed or matured.  This is necessary as you ascend.  If you always stay in the best part of you, the weaker parts never get to mature and grow true and strong.
    • Step back into the center and release your reactions.  Let unconditional love fill you.
  • Center on your heart chakra in the middle of your chest, so it is as though you are looking out at the world and acting from there.
    • Step back into yourself until you feel like your spine is the middle of you instead of the back.  When you are there it feels calm and open.  Comfortable
    • Open to your Inner Wisdom, which is most easily found within this part of you
    • Centering on your Inner Wisdom, welcome unconditional love  to fill your body and aura (Inner Wisdom is a seed of Unity and Wholeness within your heart)
    • Welcome your Higher Self to join with your Inner Wisdom to tune every part of your body, emotion, mind, aura and soul into its right harmony with your Higher Self (Higher Self is your eternal and true essence and Being)
  • When something upsets you, utilize these or whatever tools help you to remember who you are.  Invite the unconditional love of your true Higher Self to be present and resolve the upset within, as well as without in your life.

Follow the meteor to Macomb for my free event at The Mind’s Eye Meditation and Healing Center this Sunday from 1-4!  Get signed copies of Riding the Wave of Change, experience a healing and ascension meditation, hear me read from the book and meet Kara Bradley the artist! 15300 21 Mile Road Macomb Twp. 586-468-6463.  This lovely center is co-owned by one of the graduates of what is now called the Healer & Ascension Certification Course which is enrolling for classes starting February 21!  I’d love to see you Sunday or discuss the certification course if you are interested!

You are each ascending, and that means changing – love yourself through this process – you will achieve your goal, it is inevitable – you cannot do otherwise, you can just do it more willingly for a gentler journey.  Blessings and love to you dear friends!  Eve

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