Global Warming Vision of Healing

Dear Ascending Friends,

I had an amazing vision following some work I was guided to do with human and planetary ascension this week.  I wish I could share the particulars of the work, but sometimes when things are in process I am guided not to mention them.  However, what I saw as I concluded my last step in that work was a vision of the polar ice stabilizing and growing stronger.  I tried to remain calm and objective as I checked, double checked and triple checked what I was perceiving, and so far the conclusion has remained the same.  It appears that in approximately 2 years the influence of global warming will recede and the climate will begin to cool and stabilize.  Within 5 years and a few months it should reach its optimal level, which feels like about where the climate was 30 years ago.  This is wonderful news to me and for all life here on Earth!

Yes, I know some of us northerners were hoping to become a toasty resort climate!  However, the problems of warming are immense, and so if you want warmer, you can wait until things stabilize and then move somewhere tropical!

Riding the Wave of Change – Hope, Healing and Spiritual Growth for Our World is picking up energy around the country! Here are some examples of what is happening:

  • The wonderful interview I had with Wisdom Magazine in print all along the East Coast is generating attention.  It is so rare to have an interview you love!  Here is a link to read it on my website:
  • A week from Sunday I will be leading a Free Healing and Ascension Meditation and signing books with my daughter the artist at The Mind’s Eye Meditation and Healing Center in Macomb – come and bring a friend or two!
  • Up North in Roscommon Michigan, Riding the Wave is the first book being studied by a new spiritual book club! I just mailed out signed copies for all the participants and will be available to answer questions from them by email.

This work is a positive perspective much needed about the changes of our times.  Its purpose is not only to smooth the transition for people and the world through potent personal and planetary healing and ascension work.  But also my blog and book are like an anti-biotic to help you overcome the old world diseases of fear, judgment, hopelessness and blame.  They are a new world vitamin to help keep you spiritually healthy, confident and joyful on this journey.

I so appreciate you sharing this post and information about Riding the Wave of Change with your friends and social networks when you feel it is right, or just liking me on Facebook!

In the week ahead, remember that the darkness you observe in yourself or in the world is a symptom of the healing and ascension process.  This is not an end, it is a beginning, but like most beginnings it begins with letting go of what was there before.  That is a little appreciated necessity of life on many levels.

When you feel down about life, try this simple solution:

  • Center on the still quiet of your Inner Wisdom deep within your heart.  And from your Inner Wisdom, ask to live in your new world self.
  • Doing this is like stepping from a dark room into a room filled with light.
  • It will bring you into a positive focus where you can feel alive and good again.

Have a blessed week my friends!  Love always, Eve

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Tyra Petoskey
Tyra Petoskey
6 years ago

Incredible news!! Thank you ??