2018 – Beautiful Shifts Happening Now!

Early this morning the moon shining in my window awoke me to an ascension job that I was required to help with for our world.  I am grateful that the shift was beautifully easy, like picking a fruit that is perfectly ripe.

What I saw was a layer of obstructive old world energy blocks.  They appeared as copper colored, metallic, boxy and interlocking, creating a layer of obstruction like hard boxy clouds, but on a spiritual plane that effected our bodies and minds.  They had been blocking us from connecting to our higher consciousness, unity, oneness and unconditional love. What was amazing was that as I worked to welcome the Source to surround and be in charge of them with unconditional love, they cleared quickly and without resistance.  They were very ready to go.  Nice!!!

Immediately on their release the energy which I have been calling the Force of Unity, which flows from the level of Ascended Mastery also called Cosmic Christ or Chokmah on the Qabalah, flowed into the vacated space.  I heard the word HOME, and got the sense that we are ready for our own true, eternal Higher Selves to be present and at home in the world in a much greater way, personally and collectively for all beings on Earth.  Unity between human self and Higher Self is a definition of ascension, so this is a big step for us all!

Over the next month this shift will be taking place within and all around us.  Be prepared to feel happier and more connected to your true self.  Many diseases of body and mind, which were either created or exacerbated by those very old energy blocks that had been there for several generations, could ease up and heal entirely.  As the Force of Unity  assists our true Higher Selves to be able to live more strongly within our lives and our world, healing and ascension will move forward exponentially.

I would also mention that the extreme cold weather is helpful with ascension.  It assists our old world limitations and untrue belief systems to freeze and break off.  So though it is unpleasant, it is a relatively easy way to create positive change in our lives!

2018 is coming in with some amazing lightening-up experiences!  I am grateful.

Next Thursday, January 11th begins the next series of Monthly Ascension Support Class.  We were full but I have opened up a few more spots in case you feel it is time to share this journey with others like yourself!  You can email me through my website to request a spot.

I sense that The Healer & Ascension Certification Course may only run this and a couple more times before I have trained those I am supposed to.  The February 21 session is enrolling to fill just a few more openings.  If you have been wanting to join this class, please consider doing so at this time, since it could be a while before it will be offered again; and there is a possibility it may not be local for people in the Ann Arbor area next time.  Of course live distance participation is available from anywhere.  Email me through my website to inquire further about this opportunity.

Blessings and love for a wonderful week my friends!  Eve

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Tyra Petoskey
Tyra Petoskey
6 years ago

As always! Infinite gratitude to you Eve.