Summer Solstice – Unifying Spirit & Earth

It’s the day after Summer Solstice — when the sunlight shines longest.  Though the days will grow shorter from here, that process is very slow, giving us this gift of summer.

Rudolf Steiner in his Calendar of the Soul gives us this verse for Summer Solstice Week:

The world in shining beauty

Compels me from the deeps of soul

That I release for world-wide flight

The godly force of my own life:

To leave my self behind,

And trusting, seek myself

Within the light and warmth of worlds.

He is referring to the way the increase of sunlight and the cosmic influence it pours into our world calls us out of our human ego focus and into unity with spirit; and through that unity we receive new direction and true purpose in our lives.  I know that I feel this — it is hard to ground and stay focused, I just want to let go and BE, immersed in all the light and peaceful energy.

There is also something new over the last 100 yrs. or so since Rudolf wrote this verse.  We have ascended to be increasingly receptive to spiritual influences; allowing us to also work with this season in a new way.  It is still necessary for us to let ourselves go,  to leave our ego behind and expand into the energy of sun and spirit some of the time this summer.  To lay on the beach, or relax in our back yards and feel the lassitude take us away from it all, can refresh our souls in ways nothing else does.  But we can use this increased light and spiritual energy now in ways we couldn’t before. By welcoming its wisdom and love into our humanness and grounding, to integrate it deeply into our bodies, minds, emotions and the earth.  In Rudolf’s Calendar the grounding comes naturally with the fall season and that is still the case for us.  However, we are increasingly able to hold the greater unity with cosmic spirit through grounding even during the summer.  Like a tree receives the light of the sun into its roots; our increasingly ascended human selves can receive and ground spirit into our ascending earthly selves.

This is like the experience of deep spiritual work in my classes.  When people are new at it, the spiritual energy calls them out of themselves and they may leave their body or fall asleep.  But as they grow stronger in their human selves, they begin to stay awake.  When they stay present and grounded, the powerful spiritual energies begin to be integrated into their bodies, minds and emotions, and can be used for healing and ascension. They begin to consciously co-create with their Higher Selves.

The deeper our ground, the more spirit we can hold.  The greater the spiritual influences, the more grounding it takes to find balance and unity within.  Physical exercise can increase our grounding, and rooting like a tree can too. Higher Intelligence and love are prepared to enter our world and sort out the imbalances and problems humans have created, but they need people ready to ground and integrate these true energies.  This is a big piece of the answer to the problems we see around us.

When you let yourself be like a tree, anchoring the love of the One through your branches and trunk into the planet through your deep roots, and bringing the foundation of the One up through your roots into your trunk and branches, then Higher Intelligence and love can act through you in the world.  Imagining you are a tree can teach you to do this as a human in all circumstances of your life.

So this summer, let yourself relax, expand and be touched by cosmic spirit flowing from the One through the radiant sun of our solar system.  Then be like a tree and welcome that lovely energy to anchor into the world through your body and your life.  Let it rise up again through you as a gift flowing back toward the One through your loving choices and actions in life.  Then relax and allow yourself to expand again into the cosmic light the next chance you have, so you can bring that love more fully into your life, like a tree when you are finished.  It is a weaving together into unity of spirit and earth, and increasing unity is how we ascend.

Join us for some beautiful weaving together of spirit and earth during the Monthly Ascension Support Class!  We have made room for a few more participants, so I would love to include you if you are called to ascend, and help others as well.  Email me at to catch one of these last spots for class beginning June 28th.

Thanks for commenting, liking and sharing as it feels right!

Blessed Summer to You!  Love, Eve

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