Peace on Earth

Here at the beginning of fall, the new world Earth is manifesting about three times stronger than it was in the spring this year.  And you may recall that in the spring I commented how much stronger it was than last fall!  I am loving this exponential new world growth curve.

Over the past few years prior to this, I had been feeling an increased anxiety from the plants and soil that has made it difficult for me since I had been accustomed to going to nature for comfort and instead was feeling distress there.  This taught me to create that comfort within my own unity with Higher Self and Inner Wisdom, which I am grateful for because then it is always with me.  However, it is such a relief and pleasure to feel a new sense of deep peace and confidence in the Earth!!!

Obviously the old world is still present, and continues to be unsteady as it breaks down within the world and within our individual experiences.  But as the new world energies grow stronger it becomes easier to relax into our experience during the transition.  You can use the following exercise to make your new world experience stronger and diminish the stresses of the old world. At the end of the exercise I will explain the terms and systems for those who are new to these ideas.

Living in Your New World Self Exercise:

1- Breathe into your body and give yourself and inner hug all the way down to your toes and up to the top of your head, as though you are hugging the most valuable person in your life.

2- Let your breath carry your attention into your new world heart chakra in the middle of your chest and center there as though you are looking out at the world through your heart.

3- Step back into yourself until you feel like your spine is the middle instead of the back of you, and in that still quiet inner space, welcome your Inner Wisdom and center there.

4- From your Inner Wisdom ask to live in your new world self, within the new world, and within the new world nursery.

5- Refresh this request whenever you find yourself drawn into the negative states of the old world experience.  This will call you back home to your new world self and your positive experience of life.


  • New World – the experience of unity with Higher Self while incarnate.  This is the experience that is growing for our planet and for all living forms within the next 25 years approximately.  The new world will allow us to enjoy co-creating life through the power and authority of our Higher Selves, with unconditional love and higher intelligence.
  • Old World – the temporary phase of evolution through which the Oneness of Life has built individual souls through which to express and experience life.  The workout gym of life which through opposition and challenge has allowed us to grow our personal capacities of individual soul, body, emotion and mind.  The old world is falling apart now since it has completed its contracts. We are in process of stepping out of the old world workout gym and into the experience it has prepared us for in unity with higher intelligence and unconditional love.
  • Inner Wisdom – the seed of your Higher Self planted within your human self when you incarnated
  • Higher Self – your own facet of the One Source of Life (often called God)
  • New World Nursery – a system of support that strengthens and stabilizes your new world experience during this time of transition when we are living in both the old and new world simultaneously.

For a deeper understanding of this journey of ascension into the new world please read my book Riding the Wave of Change – Hope, Healing and Spiritual Growth for Our World.  You can read an excerpt and more at  You can also follow the links through my main website from this page.

There is still time to use the $10 off for Healing and Ascension Treatments for parents this month when you mention this post or my article in Body Mind Spirit Guide Magazine!

Let me know if you feel the new world stronger than ever too lately!  I appreciate your comments and questions here, and also love it when you share this post with others or like my social media sites.  Thank you!

Blessings and Love, Eve

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Liz Squire
Liz Squire
5 years ago

Love, love, love your support in my life, Eve! I am now consciously practicing letting go of expectation and trying to really enjoy the moment, realizing that whatever I am doing or being IS ENOUGH. Thank you for all your sessions and help through my transition.