Ascending Youth

Over the summer I was approached through spiritual vision and telepathy, by a single young man speaking for a large group of young people ages 14 – 24 and requesting help.  I promised to gather my team of ascension workers and we agreed on a time to work over this past week.  I was excited because the need was great and the willingness very strong; both elements that contribute to potent work.  Even so I and my team were very impressed with what was achieved with great ease.

As we touched in with them it became immediately obvious that there was a core of light within each of the almost 200 Million souls that presented for healing.  However their prevailing cultures and environments had created a strong block between them and their Higher Selves.  This left them feeling some despair and hopelessness and a sense that their lives were pointless.  For some there was a tendency toward suicide.  So our first task was to open and strengthen their connection with their Higher Selves; which went very well, allowing the light within them to join with the light of their eternal and enlightened spirit. A lot of clearing and healing happened instantly when this connection was made, we didn’t need to do more than watch it occur. Then spirit linked them together in a network of enlightened spiritual connection, like the nerves in our brains link the organs of our bodies, through a light-speed sharing of wisdom, grace, hopefulness and unconditional love.  They gained a sense of community and peace.

Their relationship with electronic media was ascended to a more balanced and purposeful place; particularly cell phones.  We found ourselves asked to work with resolution of problems related to people who steal their energy and those who are pedophiles.

As we were beginning to wrap up our work, suddenly out of their deep foundation we had created for them within the earth arose an unusual awareness of money.  We perceived it as a structured energy form — a gigantic block that took up a huge amount of room within the planet herself.  We were guided to assist in the clearing of that, and shown how it had blocked elements of the Earth’s soul from grounding into the world.  Healing was done to clear and heal that place and welcome the Earth to live there fully.  We were astounded!  I had a vision of life on earth when money is no longer a part of our world.  The quality of light and life will be so vivid, beautiful and joyful in that future experience.

We were pleased that the young people now feel much lighter and freer, and like they will learn to be guided by their true selves to fulfill their purpose on earth.  They were hopeful, confident and quite independent, but we reassured them that if they need further assistance we will be glad to help.

When things change like this in spirit, they can’t help but change for us in the physical world because spirit is the foundation for all things. It appears that the shifts we saw will be taking place as people are ready to receive them; for some the shift is immediate, some will begin to shift over a period of weeks, some will take longer.  Though we don’t know what challenges these young people will have to face in their individual lives, we do know that they are going to be ready to meet them and fulfill the purposes for which they are incarnate on Earth in the right way and time for them.  We can only watch, wait and see what that looks like within linear time.  I was excited when a teenage girl I worked with in a personal healing session the next day had obviously received the effects of the group healing; I could see how it will assist her as she receives that influence over the coming weeks and begins to integrate her Higher Self into her life.

I share this story with gratitude for being asked and allowed to help.  This is something which touches all of us, no matter what our current age!  Thank you for sharing this with others as it seems right to do so, and for liking and commenting if you want.

I am offering $10 off parent healing and ascension work this month when you mention this post or my ad in Body Mind Spirit Guide Magazine at the time of your appointment. You can reach me through my website to schedule.

Blessings and love to you this week my friends!  Eve

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Liz Squire
Liz Squire
5 years ago

Wow Excellent! xx

5 years ago

I wish I had the means to continue working personally with you. Right now, I am grateful for your blog, and for your continued ascension work. Thank-you, Eve. The world shines brighter from the sharing of your gifts! <3