Unity Within Opposition

There are many polarized points of view…one person’s hero is another person’s persecutor.  When you hold one side of the polarized perspective, you may find it incomprehensible that someone else holds the opposite because it seems so wrong. The polarization of opposites is part of the old world drama. Within polarized forces there exists a common factor which can lift things to a newer world level and bring a mutually beneficial outcome.

In order for opposites to resolve, a percentage of people involved need to ascend their emotional and mental reactions so we are able to respond beyond the issues from within a state of unity.  This requires letting go of our reactiveness and opening our hearts to a higher perspective where we become a presence of healing.  One way to get there is to acknowledge what I call the essence of truth of God — the clearest focus of the One Source available, unlimited by people’s religious ideas about it — present within each person or creature affected by the circumstances regardless of their role.  You may prefer to use a different name for that One, but I hope you understand what I am reaching for.  That One Source exists within each person, plant, animal, element, world…there is nowhere it does not exist.  When we acknowledge that existence as the true authority existing uniquely within each participant, it takes us out of the gridlock of opposition and creates a new dimension of possibilities.  All beings are spiritual beings.  Minds, emotions and bodies are vessels for each higher spiritual self to act through.  But our human instincts, minds and emotions react with such conviction of righteous outrage that we can find ourselves trapped in oppositional gridlock before we realize we had another option.

As a healer for people and the planet and all creatures I can find myself just as outraged as anyone else, but I have learned that to act on that outrage makes me a part of the problem rather than the solution.  And I desire the ascended solution greatly enough that I am willing to choose the higher path of unity within opposition.  When I do this I find that the higher perspective is quite surprising to me much of the time.  It is a revelation when the essence of truth of God shows me why those whose choices oppose mine are choosing to act in the way they are.  I am awed to see that they are serving the greater good even though in the short run they may seem to be oppressive, greedy and short sighted. The challenge is to understand that the greater good isn’t the maintenance of security and comfort in the old world state, but something entirely different.  The greater good for each individual, culture, country, creature, element…what have you, is to help us let go of who we have thought ourselves to be and prepare to become something entirely more beautiful.  A different degree of suffering is necessary for each individual or group in order to move them into the new world.  It helps to remember that each of us is eternal, safe and unbreakable.  All suffering will be used for its purpose and then pass away when no longer needed.

If we could achieve fairness, equality, abundance, health and planetary well-being at the old world level we would miss the entirely new and beautiful experience of the new world.  It simply isn’t possible to have what we desire in the old world state of low energy vibration, limitation, survival of the fittest, etc.  A world directed by instinct and desire simply can’t achieve that goal.  A world where everything has to die for the continuation of life doesn’t permit the state of unconditional love that we are destined to know. Moving to the new world level where all life is generated out of the force of unity which exists at the core of each created self, death no longer will be a part of life.  This is such a radical shift that it is difficult to imagine let alone to write about comprehensively yet.  But in order for us to surrender our old world egos, identities, securities, we have to permit all things to change.  The level of breaking down of human society and security over the past two hundred years has allowed us to begin to ascend.  The world wars, as horrible as they were changed the status quo in a way which nothing else could have, setting us free to become the independent souls that we now experience ourselves as.  Toxins in our food, water, air and soil have broken down our bodies, allowing our spirit to enter us more fully and influence our thinking and desires, creating within us new goals of unity, compassion and love.  We can’t stop the breaking down because it is still needed.  Within this experience there is emerging an enlightened energy which will rebirth us into the new world.  The old world won’t be destroyed, it will just fall apart enough to be able to transition to a clearer vibration where our own Higher Selves are able to act increasingly through us to birth the new world experience.

So when you find yourself entering that reactive state of opposition, fear and judgment.  Remember that within, you can access your Inner Wisdom and Higher Self to experience the unity which is present.  Embracing the unity, welcome it into the circumstances and give thanks that everything has a purpose.  When we acknowledge that, it balances the opposition enough to diminish the negative impact it brings allowing true change and ascension to occur more quickly and gently.

Keep in mind and heart that when you engage in opposing others you actually increase the toxicity and trauma of that overall experience for yourself and others.  When you work in unity with your Higher Self to allow unconditional love to flow through you, you may find compassion for yourself and the opposition and all involved.  This will allow you to choose a response which carries love, regardless of what actions you take.  Love is the force of unity.  Freedom comes as you become able to trust that.  Then your heart is open and change can happen gently.  The heart that is open to your Higher Self and the unity of all within spirit, carries the means to transform the world.

Thank you so much for doing your part to make the ascension journey easier for all of us.  Your love, faith and trust make such a difference.  Sometimes you may get caught in the gridlock of opposition, but when you then choose to step back into your Inner Wisdom, your Higher Self can bring unconditional love into whatever is going on.  That may be even better than if you had never gotten into the gridlock in the first place.  Our job is to bring the essence of truth of God into the old world so it can ascend. We can do that most powerfully because we are still a part of that old world experience even as we rise step by step into the new world.

Thank you also for liking, sharing or commenting if it seems right to do so.

Blessings and Much Love, Eve

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