Finding the New World in the Holidays

To carry Spirit’s light to world-winter night

Strives blissfully the impulse of my heart,

That shining seeds of soul

Take root in grounds of worlds,

And Word of God in senses’ darkness

Resounds, transfiguring all being.

This quote from Rudolph Steiner’s Calendar of the Soul sings to me.  Whatever holiday we celebrate during this time of Winter Solstice, we are celebrating this experience of the light of unconditional love growing within us.  Add ascension to this traditional seasonal light and it brings extra potential to our experience.

The stressors of the holidays can help us to identify and resolve our old world stuck places; and doing so makes the season feel safer and more richly satisfying.  This resolution can be so much easier this year because of the increased strength of the new world.  This post will help you recognize these opportunities and greet them with confidence.

Your success this season begins with a commitment to live in your new world self, which is just a shift up in choice and focus from your old world self.  Many of you are familiar with this:  By breathing into your Inner Wisdom deep within your heart chakra and centering there, you can ask to live in your new world self, within the new world, supported and protected by the new world nursery which helps us hold this focus, while it is still young and growing within us.

These brief steps bring you into your new world self and you will immediately sense a positive and more confident lightness of heart, mind and soul.  Carry this focus in your life, and renew it when you find something in the old world pulls you back into old world focus.  You will be able to recognize the old world shift easily because there will be more fear, stress and anxiety there.  When that happens you just follow the same steps again to come back into new world self.

Now, here is a way to take advantage of challenges that come up during the holiday!  After you have returned to new world focus take a look at what it was that pulled you out of it.  It doesn’t matter whether you got pulled by something within you or something outside of you because ultimately these are the same.  Everyone and everything in your life comes to you as a mirror of something within you which you are working to master.  With this awareness, it becomes less a question of – why did that person do that?  And more a question of why did I need that person to do that?  What does it show me about myself that I need to master?

If you have ever done dream interpretation — observing and learning from your dreams to figure out what the messages are trying to tell you — it is a short step to realize that the events of our lives are like dreams.  In dreams everyone we encounter is really our self, showing us aspects of self which we need to work with.  When we are awake everyone who is drawn into our circle of life, and especially those we contract to be born into family with, are mirrors for our self, showing us what our Higher Self requires us to master.  Like with dreams we need to get good at interpreting the messages they convey.  We can start to make use of their gifts to us with one very simple attitude – thank you!

When someone’s behavior hurts or offends us in some way, the optimal response is thank you.  It may take time to get there, but with practice, you can catch yourself before you go very far into anger, hurt, blame, argument or self-judgment by stepping back into your new world self to say a silent thank you for mirroring me to myself.  This plants you firmly in the reality that you are the one who brought this person into your life to get your attention.  Nothing gets your attention better than pain and anger!  Okay, you’ve got my attention – thank you. Then, meditate in your heart and feeling self to discover what the gift is that they are giving you.

How does their behavior show you some element of your old world ego identity which needs to be realigned with your true new world self?  To work with things in this way is a stance of power.  It acknowledges that others can only show up as problems in your life because your true self is using them by trying to communicate something essential.  It is trying to tell you to step up into your new world self.  So embracing with love and acceptance that part of you which feels hurt or angry, you can walk it through the steps I just taught you to step into your new world self.  Treat the reactive part of you like a child that needs to be taught to respond successfully to life.  This is actually the fact – we call these parts of us Inner Children and they are holding traumas and memories from earlier times in our life when we were unable to stand in our power yet.  Teach them to be empowered and your soul will ascend much more quickly.  I do fabulous inner child healing in my personal and family healing sessions in case you want to work with me some time!

You can speed this process of empowering Inner Children by using the tools I have taught many times in this blog site such as Be a Tree and Power Animal.  Be a Tree helps you to connect your human self with your Higher Self and the Source of Life.  Power Animal helps your wounded or dis-empowered self to let go of limitation and step up into your true power and authority.  The April 13 2018 post teaches Be a Tree, find it in the archives

So as you go to your holiday events or instead choose to stay home, practice the steps for living in your new world self and explore the messages your Higher Self is giving you through your holiday experiences.  Everything in your life is like this, it isn’t limited to holiday.  Holidays just present great opportunities.  FYI, when you respond with an inner thank you to people who are toxic, it counteracts their toxicity and may even change the way they behave in your presence.  Try it!

Here is an offer for you:  If you would like spiritual protection and support to help make your holiday more positive and joyful, I provide that service for a very minimal fee.  Many of you have invited me to do this for your events, travel and get-togethers at all times of the year and reported great results.  It won’t prevent you from learning and growing, but it will help you have a positive and enjoyable experience.  Email me at to schedule this service.  I will email back instructions and costs.

Blessings and love for your joyful ascension this Winter Solstice Season! Eve

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