Compassionate Forgiveness

Compassionate forgiveness of self and others is easy when you remember who you are.  Our old world contracts used hatred as a way of separating us into our individual selves.  Now that we have created our individuality we can step up to a new level of true identity.

Our new world contracts are calling us into absolute unity with our eternal and true self, which is one with everything but also distinctly individual.  This magnificent state of being is increasing within our selves and our world.  It is this increase which is causing the crazy behavior in the world around.  People feel the change and react with fear, instead of embracing their true self which is trying to come through.

Realizing this is the case, we have a choice to also react with fear and hatred or to react with compassionate forgiveness for everyone’s discomfort with this transition.  It is actually a choice of identity.  I recommend you choose to live in your new world self in the new world, both of which already exist to a significant extent.  They are strong enough that when you make that choice you find yourself instantly in a better place.  You feel strong, focused and trusting, able to understand and be a compassionate, loving and forgiving presence in the world.

Being in your new world self doesn’t automatically eliminate challenges. But it does give you the wisdom, strength, love and calm center needed to work things out in amazingly successful ways. One amazing result of this focus of self is the ability to be compassionate and forgiving of yourself, and to find your own true direction in life moment by moment.  This inner acceptance, love and integrity creates strength and peace on much deeper levels then you have ever experienced before.  It is marvelous!

To access your new world self, just breathe into your body, give yourself an inner hug, and open your heart. Then step back into yourself until you are centered in the deep still place within.  From there let your Inner Wisdom know that you choose to live in your new world self in the new world.  Then you can also ask to be in the New World Nursery which is a system available to stabilize the new world experience so you can own that more fully than you could do on your own.

>Each day that you choose your new world self it will grow and you will find deeper reserves of unconditional love and hope.  Then occasionally you will shift to a completely new way of being which is exponentially more real and potent than you ever thought you would experience.  When this happens, remember to trust your new world self so you can embrace the experience which will be brand new to you.  Others have gone before on this path in this and many worlds.  But for each of us the experience is somewhat different.  We are each unique.

As we come up to winter solstice there is always something new and sacred ready to be born within each person.  Welcome the birth of your true self a little bit more this season.

There are still a few spots for Healing & Ascension Monthlies beginning next Thursday Dec. 13!  Email me through my website link above to reserve a spot.

Blessings for your new world experience, living in your new world self! Love, Eve

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