Unconditional Love and the Election

Here is my World Ascension Worker’s Guide to Voting for the New World!

The United States is 60%+ new world at this point.  That is hugely different than during the last election, when we were about 15% new world.*  This gives me confidence that the past 4 years of American Politics will ultimately prove to have been worth the problems it has brought to our country and our world.  I invite you to use this next election opportunity to stand in unconditional love and co-create the new world through the power of unconditional love and the higher intelligence it brings.

Our widely polarized political parties are amplifying a variety of fears, and fear is entirely old world.  This can make it difficult to support either party.  But casting a vote for an independent, while morally satisfying can also mean that we inadvertently support the stronger of the two primary parties, and not voting does the same.  I have been praying and meditating about how to respond to this opportunity and overall feel hopeful that we are moving into a significantly more positive direction as a country.  To help this movement exponentially we can bring unity with Higher Self and Higher Power into our political actions in the following ways:

(Please note that I am not suggesting that you vote for a particular party or telling you that you should do anything that isn’t true to yourself or that isn’t right for you.  I am merely sharing ways that you can vote for the new world however you vote or however you get involved in the election process.)

Let’s Begin! — This is what works for me —

  • Meditate on who feels right for you to vote for – not just emotionally, not just mentally, not just spiritually. When you look ahead into the coming term of office, what is right for you will be a combined sense from all of those.  Some call it a gut feeling.  If you can’t get clear, sleep on it and allow it to come to focus over time.  Don’t worry if this disagrees with other people you know.  Each of us has a vote and we need to make it for ourselves.
  • Meditate on how to support your candidates. Invite a gut feeling of what is yours to do in service of the greater good around the election.  There are a lot of grass-roots opportunities, financial opportunities, community action opportunities, and then there is just getting out and voting.
  • Requesting a mail-in ballot so you do not have to stand in tight public places may be optimal on many levels, and especially with current contagion concerns. You will need to do that in advance if you choose this method.
  • Bring in the Higher Power:
    • Communicating with the Higher Power is a type of telepathy. It is a two-way conversation, although usually it is easier to send than receive.  It comes through the heart and belly and from there it resonates within your whole body and aura.
      • Some call this prayer, some call it meditation.
      • The Higher Power is you on a higher level of being. It is all of us.
      • You could call on your Higher Self for this if you prefer, which is your own facet of the One.
      • There are lots of names for the One. I call it the Essence of Truth of God – this term to me means the clearest focus of that One that I can access at the current time beyond limiting religious ideas about it.  The level of clarity and strength of that connection grows with me as I ascend.
    • The Higher Power can only act within the world through those who are incarnate in physical bodies. When we partner with the Higher Power with the intention of co-creating within the world, we do so through unconditional love.  Unconditional love is service of the greater good without judgment or agendas.
    • Where someone is holding onto their agendas, judging, fearing, hating or pushing, it creates a distortion pattern which blocks unconditional love.
      • We all have aspects of these lower energies, so acting from unconditional love is a choice that we have to make over and over again.
      • Overcoming the lower nature through choosing unconditional love is the journey of ascension. This helps explain why the election is such a valuable opportunity for ascension.  It is teaching us to act in unconditional love.  Nelson Mandela learned to do this politically and look what he accomplished!  We too have the means to transform our country through unconditional love.
      • So, while working with this process, set aside your judgments and fears and choose to stand in enlightened unconditional love.
    • Open a line of communication with the Higher Power in your own way with an open heart and mind.
      • Welcome that One to act with you through each action you take relative to the election.
      • Let the Higher Power know that you are voting for the new world.
      • Let your preferences of candidates be known, and that you ask for the greatest good for all, even if it contradicts your preferences.
      • Surrender your judgments and fears, keep an open heart and trust this process.
    • Ask that unconditional love bring clarity to your thoughts, emotions, choices, and actions relative to the election.
    • Ground, breathe, open your heart, and welcome unconditional love. That is how we co-create the new world in partnership with the Higher Power.
    • Ask that the Higher Power act through this election to facilitate the birth of the new world* within the United States and our planet. Ask that it happen in the optimal way and time for the greatest good.
    • Whatever you do, whoever you are with, stand in this partnership of unconditional love with the Higher Power. Where fear and worry try to drag you into the old world, choose to live in the new world experience which is already here for you.
      • Watch Eve’s 3 Most Important Things Videos for help to access your Inner Wisdom, Higher Self, new world experience and to stand in unconditional love**
    • When you receive political messages through any form of media or a person, you may again welcome the Higher Power to fill you and to flow through you in unconditional love.  This can counteract messages of fear, blame, judgment, hatred, or manipulation that may be present.  Whichever political party you vote for will have these elements to some extent, simply because people are involved.


The election process is ripe with opportunities that can be used to heal and ascend our world.  The old-world attitudes, beliefs and energies are ready to be transformed.  The new world* is growing exponentially within our country and our planet.  Each of us can help smooth this process when we co-create with the Higher Power through unconditional love.  Thank you for doing your part!

Blessings and love for your journey of healing and ascension dear friends, Eve

* For more information about ascension and the new world see my book Riding the Wave of Change – Hope, Healing & Spiritual Growth for Our World available at www.evewilson-ridingthewave.com

** Watch Eve’s 3 Most Important Things Videos for help to access your Inner Wisdom, Higher Self, new world experience and to stand in unconditional love – type 3 Most Important Things into a search box on this site to call these 3 videos up.

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Donna Petry
Donna Petry
3 years ago

Hi Eve. This blog has been so needed by everyone. You have made it so easy and gentle that anyone can follow it. I have read it twice already and plan to read it several more times before the election. Hugs and blessings Donna