How to Thrive During Transformation

People are undergoing transformational cycles in their bodies, emotions, minds and souls caused by the journey of ascension on Earth.  This is like having your house under construction where rooms are unavailable for use.  As with your outer house, you need to be able to relocate the activities you usually do in those rooms to a new place.  These transformational events are happening with increasing frequency and so it is good to know what you can expect and how to respond to it!

Some of the symptoms include feeling out of focus and disconnected from everything.  Sometimes dizzy and confused, perhaps intestinal distress or anxiety and a lack of motivation.  Sleep can be confused – feeling awake at night but exhausted during the day.  A lot of people are attributing these experiences to the Stay-At-Home situation and may think they are a bit depressed.  That is sometimes the case, but I believe half or more of these symptoms are also the process of transformation which has been stimulated by the world ascension virus and the Stay-At-Home order.

The following instructions explain how to navigate this experience.  They invite you to use my video series which give the essential skills for handling this process, or to refresh the skills for those who already know them.  Once you have those skills, they become the foundation for the new step that I am adding today. Below is one of the great comments I have gotten about the 3 Videos:

I have been listening to your 3 most important videos and I must tell you how incredibly helpful they are for me.  I have had little to no trust in much of anything except my frenetic daily motions and activities.  I listened to your video 2 just now and shed more tears..of such gratitude for you and what you share, and tears of what I feel now as letting go of the old world..yet safely” Shannon

What to do when you are transforming but need to function in the world:

1 – Access your Inner Wisdom and inquire if your peculiar feelings are caused because you are ascending and undergoing a phase of transformation.  If that seems to be the case, then here are instructions for handling that!

  • Center on your Inner Wisdom deep within your new world heart chakra
  • Invite unconditional love to fill your body and aura from your Inner Wisdom
  • Visualize yourself as a tree – accessing support from the unconditionally loving source of life from below and above as a tree does. Feel the strength of your trunk. “Being a tree” teaches you to unify your spiritual and earthly selves.  That unity is the goal of ascension and trees are our teachers in this process.
  • Welcome your Higher Self to fill and tune you, body and aura
    • Instructions for doing the above steps can be found on this site when you type: Eve’s 3 Most Important Things Video #1 in one of several search boxes
  • Invite your Inner Wisdom to create a balance point about 2 inches behind your waist as a second focus of Inner Wisdom within your aura
  • Visualize yourself as a tree again, initiating that from within the balance point
    • Instructions for doing this are on this site when you type: Eve’s 3 Most Important Things Video # 2 in one of several search boxes
  • This is the new part — When your normal focus of self is undergoing transformation, you can center on your balance point and the tree you create from there. Then you can live from that as a focus of yourself instead of being centered in your physical body.

The balance point and its tree are created within your Pranic Tube which is a spiritual channel within your aura.  It accesses your Higher Self more directly both up through your crown and down through your bottom of your aura.  So basically, you will be living from a higher focus of true self.  When there you should feel good, and able to focus and handle whatever comes up.

  • From your Inner Wisdom, ask to live in your new world self, within the new world nursery. This spiritual platform of support is created and energized by enlightened Master Beings who will help you to stay focused in the new world experience.
  • Ask that your old world self be in the transitional nursery. This platform of support by enlightened Master Healer Beings will assist those parts of you to clear, heal and ascend as they are ready.
  • Ask to bridge the old world and new world nurseries during this time when we are not yet fully living in the new world and need to access the old. This will help you to be stable in your new world self while living within through the experience of transition.
  • You may need to repeat this intention more than once a day until you are stronger in the new world than we are at this point on earth.
    • Instructions for using the new world and transitional nurseries are on Video #3 of Eve’s 3 most important Things and available when you search for that on this site.
  • Eventually your reconstructed self will come back online for you to live more within your physical body. But it will be a higher vibration body which will be more in harmony with your Higher Self and able to co-create your life from that unity in a clearer and more empowered way.

Be assured that though it may feel like you are losing your mind when a part of you goes offline in order to transform and ascend; you are most likely quite sane!  Try these tools and if they make you feel whole and sane again, you are simply ascending.  I have helped many people do this and have undergone this process myself repeatedly in recent years.  Once the weird phase is over, we all have felt better than ever before!  Our new world experience is well worth the cost of undergoing change.

I am offering $10 off Healing & Ascension Treatments until Sept. 14 when you reference this post.  You can contact me through my website link on this site to inquire and schedule.

Blessings and love for your journey of ascension, Eve

For information about ascension and the changes happening on Earth, read my book Riding the Wave of Change – Hope, Healing & Spiritual Growth for Our World, available in print and Ebook at

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