Healing & Ascending Estrogen

My recent work to heal and ascend negative effects of testosterone inspired me to further work with female hormones.  I have been working for some time to help ascend our hormones to better support our bodies beyond the needs of procreation.  A great deal of societal and emotional drama and trauma has been initiated by our hormonally induced behaviors. Much of that dynamic has been fun and interesting, however there are better and more joyful experiences to come in the new world that will bring greater satisfaction than we have known before.  This is truly something to look forward to!

In looking ahead into the new world, I realize that we are ascending into beings of much lighter forms. Because of that, the whole procreative process will ultimately take place in a new way.  The hormonal fluctuations which have alternately drawn women and men together and then pushed them apart again will become irrelevant.  The way that hormones have caused us to make choices that served the continuance of our species but not our true spiritual natures will likewise no longer have meaning.  All beings will be whole and the current trend toward greater individual integration of masculine and feminine energies and expressions will continue to change us.  Eventually all people will perceive themselves as whole and wholly partnered with Higher Self.  Children will be born in different ways as well.  I can see a vision of what will become the new way of giving birth, but don’t yet know how to define it.  It seems that souls will be born into a joined field of love between two, but this does not seem to require the exchange of genetic material through egg and sperm; and the child does not appear to need the same level of parenting we have required.  Souls will enter the new world with a vast field of love and wisdom of their own and much spiritual support and grow into their true selves quickly.

2,020+ years ago, Jesus was quoted as predicting the end of marriage.  Since then we have seen the lessening of the need for woman to surrender their wholeness to be wife, mother, caretaker and subservient to others.  Men have recently learned to enjoy parenting and caring for the home and family.  I love witnessing these changes!  This trend will continue until we are all able to fulfill any role required of us.  It will be easier when we are not required to carry children in a physical womb, but instead an energetic field of love.  Will we even think of ourselves as men and woman then?  Will we switch roles at need?  I am truly guessing at this time, but these ideas feel right to me.  This level of new world may take time to develop, but the healing and ascending of sexual hormones is taking us in a new direction increasingly.

I have been guided to work with the push and pull that female hormones have had on our decision making as women.  Making choices that aren’t good for us, but which we have been initiated by chemical reactions and ancient instincts.  There has been bitterness to be healed around these things and empowering to do as I help with the ascension.  I honor with gratitude that these hormone-induced roles have also permitted us to go within more easily, to stay more spiritually connected and to grow into our new world selves more quickly than men.  They have made us empathic, sensitive, taught us to value kindness, generosity, love, compassion.  They have made us strong in ways that are deeper and more lasting than the muscular strength that men have more naturally.

I worked with the dynamics between woman and men and a great deal of healing, forgiveness, clearing and rebalancing is occurring.  During this process woman may be feeling less able to go with the flow in the old male-female dynamics.  They may be more inclined to speak up, to hold boundaries, to require men to step up to a more healthy and balanced way of being.  I suggest that you remember to be compassionate with yourselves and them and to go to a higher level of your spiritual essence for guidance, support, comfort and protection as you experience these shifts.  Communicate with love and compassion rather than attacking.

It helps to take time to process feelings on your own before speaking up so you can do so with dignity and kindness.  This avoids creating more problems and allows the other person to respond rather than react.  You might begin by writing things down exactly as you feel them.  Toss the first draft and write it again with more compassion and love.  Toss that and write one more time, allowing the love of your Higher Self to direct your words on paper or computer until it feels really clear.  Then when you talk to the person about the changes that are needed, allow higher love to flow between you and the other.

All of us have been hurt by our hormonal past and no one is to blame.  It was simply the journey of the old world.  Woman are the leaders in the ascension process.  To fulfill this role, we need to approach people in an attitude of unconditional love, not blame, or we just perpetuate the old world experience.  This means standing firmly in our true selves and honoring that we all did our best to play the roles we were given in the old world journey.  Anger has a place in this process.  It motivates us to step out of the status quo and sometimes it makes us prod others into change.  But let anger join with love when possible so it also builds something new and helps us ascend.

In spirit we are both male and female.  Everyone has had some incarnations in each.  The healing and ascending of our human identities into balance of male and female as individuals, brings greater unity and fulfillment of our true selves.  There is no accident that recent generations have leaned increasingly toward non-traditional sexual identities.

Becoming increasingly one with Higher Self is the only true purpose I perceive during this time of ascension.  Everything else either supports that or is just frustrating.  There is no need to push yourself to balance male and female qualities within, but you can watch that unfold in its own way and time.  This shift will continue even after we have stepped fully into the new world.  It helps to keep an attitude of acceptance, forgiveness of old hurts and openness to life and people; however they show up.

I invite you to experience my healing work if you feel guided to.  In a healing session I can help you to release what ties your body and soul into old world limitations and suffering.  Then I can help you to integrate your Higher Self into every aspect of your life.  This brings greater comfort and health of body, emotion, mind, spirit and soul, and easier ascension.  Physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and relationship issues may all be addressed.  You can read testimonials or contact me to schedule a healing through my website link on this page.

Blessings and Much Love, Eve

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Jeanette Farley
Jeanette Farley
3 years ago

I have experienced difficulty in prioritizing my activity – what is most important to put my time and energy into – and indecision has kept me from doing much. But your statement here gives wonderful direction on this:
“Becoming increasingly one with Higher Self is the only true purpose I perceive during this time of ascention. Everything … either supports that or is just frustrating.”
So here is a clear way to evaluate. But then the decision making again gets tough when I add in that spirit can make use of all situations. And then I laugh. It is alot easier than my mind tends to make it.