Compassion Balances Polarities

Perhaps the greatest issue to be overcome in America is one that each of us can work with in our own lives.  It is the trend toward polarized attitudes, which can best be overcome with compassion.

How did our country become so polarized?  I have observed that for some time now, in order to compete with the opposition each side of an issue has taken increasingly strong stands, each getting louder and more abusive toward the other.  In this dynamic there is no resolution, because no issue is clearly black or white, right or wrong, all of life is shades of grey.  The ongoing contest between polarities has gotten us used to claiming a side and digging in our heels.  But nothing will resolve until we find a state of compassionate mutuality.

On the larger scale of politics and social policy, this mutually desirable balance will only occur as individuals choose that balance within their own lives and attitudes.  Polarized judgment and negativity becomes contagious, bringing these attitudes into individual relationships, neighborhoods, businesses, etc.  However the higher quality of compassion can also be contagious and one compassionate voice can change thousands. Gandhi and Nelson Mandela are two very fine examples of how this works.

Compassion begins with one’s self.  When we find ourselves accelerating into anger, judgment or hostility, it might be simply a case of “catching the disease of polarizing attitudes”.  Emotions and thoughts are energies which spread.  They can spread disease or health.  Within us is the calm center of our true selves which can help us to overcome the negativity with self-awareness and compassion.

What is compassion?  Some definitions make it sound co-dependent, caring for others more than ourselves, etc.  But true compassion is an act of self-empowerment that cares for self and for others.  It takes us out of polarity of me or us vs them and brings us into the place of exploring what is both right for me and mutually beneficial.  It is influenced by what is truly appropriate from a higher perspective of unconditional love.  Until unconditional love is in control, polarized behavior is going to fly out of bounds.  But one person standing in compassion allows unconditional love to set limits on how far it flies.

We each find ourselves pulled by the polarized attitudes of our country.  Whatever side of the split you are on, how can you help restore balance and mutually beneficial attitudes?  Why would you even want to?  Well, I believe that when we try to destroy another, we destroy ourselves too.  So I would ask you to each find within yourself an attitude of compassion for the opposite point of view.  How can you do this?  Here are some ideas:

– Breathe into your body, give yourself a big hug from toe to crown, center within your heart chakra in the middle of your chest as though you are looking out at the world from there.  Invite your heart to open.  Feel that you are grounded into unconditional love, like a tree is grounded into the soil of the earth and the light of the sun.  But ask for the new world earth and new world sun which exist in unconditional love and Higher Intelligence and which are already here for us if we choose them.  Making this choice lifts you out of the polarized state.

– Welcome the presence of your Inner Wisdom, seed of the Oneness of all life, easily accessed within your heart, to fill you with compassion for yourself and for all others. Many of you have learned these first two steps as Inner Wisdom and Be A Tree. *

– Make sure you are centered in Inner Wisdom in your heart.  Don’t try to do the following steps from your mind or third eye, which will create more problems for you.  The key is to allow rather than to control through any act of will — except for the will to be in compassion.  Open heart is a doorway for Higher Intelligence and Love to act in the world.  I often call this the Essence of Truth of God – beyond people’s ideas of what God is.  But today I am using these more neutral terms Higher Intelligence and unconditional love.

–  From your Inner Wisdom, align yourself with the Higher Intelligence of unconditional love which has created all of us for a purpose, including our leaders and the people who disagree with your point of view.  Letting go of your own point of view for the moment, welcome the Higher Intelligence and unconditional love to surround and flow between all of us; to be a force of unity and wholeness allowing everything to work out for the greater good.  We can’t really know what that greater good is, but welcome and trust it if you are willing to.

– Ask for compassionate understanding of the points of view of others.  Recognize that their attitudes have been polarized by the conflicts of attitudes which make each side of a question become even more extreme in their battle for control.  Invite unconditional love to be a force of unity helping us to find a center ground, a balanced focus present in the space between each of us where truth can begin to bring Higher Intelligence into the equation. Welcome it to be like a magnet within that space between, pulling the flying bits of rigid attitudes to center and calm, as though they are iron filings.  Compassion is an open door for unconditional love to enter between us.

The polarized state we are experiencing has a purpose to fulfill; breaking down the old status quo, and helping our world to ascend.  However, where we willingly step into unity with Higher Intelligence and unconditional love, we help the world to ascend with less trauma, drama and suffering.  That also means that we are standing in that unity so we are a step above the fray; and in a place governed by compassion, intelligence and love.

When we judge and react we are drawn back into the fray.  But the above ideas may help you to lift out of the conflict and live a little closer to your true self and a bit more fully in the new world.

The new world is our current evolutionary path.  Our old path is degrading, but the new path is emerging simultaneously.  It is bringing us into a state of unity with our eternal true selves which created us in the first place.  We are each coming to the point of exiting the old world school of life, like students graduating from High School. Our Higher Selves are here to greet us and help us enter the next higher level of experience and growth.  There is great hope and joy in the universe as we make this transition.  Others have gone before us; both individuals and worlds.  It is time.  Yes there is a great deal of chaos which is forcing the issue for those who resist growing up into our better selves.  You and I who are here contemplating these things are leaders in this process; and are perhaps even more impactful than those who run our country.

It is a joy to be here with you my friends!  Blessings and love on your journey this week, Eve

P.S.  If you have read my book Riding the Wave of Change, I would be so grateful if you took a moment to go to and write a review of it!  This step of reviews is one I overlooked, and it is significant for helping people find it and encouraging people to buy the book.  Your help will be most appreciated.

* Inner Wisdom and Be A Tree are available through Eve’s 3 Most Important Things Videos 1-3 on this site – just type it into the search box.

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