How to Heal Our Bodies

Pain is a messenger.  For most people it might be saying – go see your doctor!  But for people on the path of healing and ascension it calls us to wake up in areas where we have been blocked and to heal what keeps us from being whole.

There is such wisdom in the unconscious self that it can tell you what is needed for it to heal!  Memories, emotions and thoughts get piled up within our body, creating pain and disease.  Learning to listen to the messages our body holds, we can recognize what we are holding and bring clearing, healing and awaken our true self within.

The tool I call Body Communication was the first gift from my Higher Self in response to the needs of my clients.  This tool also became a foundation of my own personal healing and ascension.  I use it often myself and was inspired to share it with you today.  My Healer Practitioner Trainees and Grads will already be very familiar with it!

In the next section there are very basic written instructions for Body Communication.  However for those who would really like to work deeply with this tool I created a course called Body Communication Training at Eve Wilson Bridge to Wholeness on the Body Mind Spirit Network free to members – joining is a breeze!  You can also invite friends to join the tribe so they can receive the training.  If you haven’t already joined our wonderful new clean social network, the link below will lead you where you can do so.  Then you will receive an email with an invitation to become part of the Eve Wilson Bridge to Wholeness Tribe. Then go to courses and request to join the training.  You will also receive my Monday Prayer, Wednesday Meditation and occasional offerings just for those in my tribe.  Body Mind Spirit Network was designed by Penny Golden, publisher of Body Mind Spirit Guide Magazine just for us.  Welcome to our clean energy social media network!  This process is very new – mine is the first course on the network!  So if there are any glitches comment so Penny or I can help.  Thanks for helping us to grow into the potential of this beautiful platform ?

Body Communication Exercise

1) Breathe into your body and give yourself an inner hug, appreciating your good body for carrying you throughout this lifetime.

2) Let your breath carry your focus into your chest and open your heart; which is the doorway for healing and transformation.  Breathe and relax until you feel open to love and centered in your Inner Wisdom within your heart chakra.

3) Let your Inner Wisdom carry your navel chakra, just below your belly button and center there, this takes you out of your head.  Feel like you have eyes and ears I your belly.

4) Let your Inner Wisdom carry your focus of attention to a place within your body which is painful, weak or uncomfortable.  Center there as though you are present with that part of you, like you would be with a child who is suffering; focused, feeling, offering love and listening.

5) From your Inner Wisdom within that part of your body, and with an open heart, ask this part of you what is wrong, what it is holding that is causing the problem you are having.  Notice any impressions of feeling, visual such as colors and the sensations that go with them, perhaps words.

6) Feel the answer and let the awareness of what it is rise to consciousness.  This is not a mental process, it is a feeling process, so leave behind your ideas and just pay attention to what the body communicates to you.  It will often be surprising and very precise.

7) If you don’t get an answer give this part of you a tree, as I have taught in this blog and my classes which will increase unity with Higher Self, Higher Power, personal power and unconditional love. Then repeat steps 3-5.  If you are new to this work you can search for and use the Be A Tree Exercise in Video 2 of Eve’s 3 Most Important Things on this blog.  Then give a tree to this part of you.  After that repeat steps 3-5.

8) By keeping an open heart and responding with compassion to the part of you that holds these feelings or memories that come up, you can begin to release the emotional and mental blockages.  You might recognize a circumstance, or sense a particular age that you were when things were stored in your body.  Often there can be layers of stuff, so if there is something current, ask is that also connected with something in your past.  Then you can meditate on how to empower yourself to deal effectively with the situation that caused the suffering.

9) You can use loving self-talk, re-visualize circumstances as though you had responded in an empowered way, open to your Higher Self and ask for perspective on what you are learning from the circumstances and what you need to do to resolve them, give this part of you a power animal.  Your Higher Self will be able to tell you what is needed if you are open to that.  Maybe the message will come immediately, or maybe it will come as you enter or exit sleep or through a dream, or when you are doing something but your mind is relaxed.

10) Let love from your Inner Wisdom, Higher Self and the Higher Power flow through your heart and into your body, releasing the negativity and awakening your true self there.

11) The key is to be loving and compassionate, connect with heart and Higher Self so things can clear and heal, empower.  When done well physical symptoms will be able to heal, immediately or over time as you continue to love and empower and stay connected.

12) When finished working in the unconscious self, invite a river of unconditional love to wash through you; clearing the past and it’s baggage that is ready to clear, enfolding those parts of you in love that are in process of healing, relaxing you back into the present moment.  Allow the issues to be surrounded in love and held in a safe and comfortable place in the care of your Higher Self until you need to work with them again.

12b) I highly recommend accessing the training on BMSG Network, since it gives you a comprehensive and easy to follow system.  But for now these written steps should be enough to get you started, so you can see just how amazing it is to work intuitively with your body to heal and ascend!

This exercise is one of the deepest acts of self-love you can do.  For me it has completely changed my life and for hundreds of people who I have taught it to or walked through in healing treatments.  If you find it too challenging to do alone, the training will help.  Work with it 1-3 times, it can take time to build a trusting relationship with your unconscious self.  But if that doesn’t do it for you, then a Healing & Ascension Treatment might be needed.  You can reach me through my website .

Thank you for working through your own healing, it is the first step for ascending and it helps all of us!  And thanks to you who comment, like and share this post so others can heal and ascend more easily too.

Blessings and Love, Eve

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4 years ago

this is incredibly timely for me Eve, as I have returned to therapy to heal my sexual childhood abuse. Many physical symptoms have arisen and this is a wonderful toot to assist me in my healing.