Lightening Up

An open heart is a telephone to spirit, transformer of negativity and the great healer!  How do we keep an open heart in a world undergoing great change?

Our natural state is an open heart, and when open everything works out as it should in our health, our lives and our world.  But hurts, fears and burdens of worry are common reasons a heart may be heavy rather than open and light.  Here are some thoughts on how to lighten up when heaviness gets in the way of wholeness.

When we use the term open heart, we are referring to the heart chakra, which is the mechanism which anchors our true Higher Self into the world, transmutes toxic states of body, mind and spirit through unity with Higher Self, gives and receives unconditional love, and communicates between human and divine consciousness.  This is just a brush stroke on what this amazing spiritual organ does for us when it is open and free.

When things worry us, when we feel wronged or wounded, become angry, outraged or frightened the heart becomes weighted down by emotional and mental energies of a lower nature that make it feel blocked.  Sometimes it even hurts – as in chest pains, pressure etc.  These things happen to all of us, especially during times as challenging as we are facing in our ascending bodies and world.  Keeping an open heart is simultaneously more important than ever, and more work to maintain!

How to Have & Keep an Open Heart:

1) Breathe!  When we are upset, a common response is to hold our breath.  This is because when we aren’t breathing we lift out of our bodies and in that ungrounded state we don’t feel the upset as much.  This is a problem because when we are out of our bodies, we are not in our power; we are rather shut down instead.  So taking a few deep breaths can help us to ground.  Also, we can’t breathe deeply and keep our heart closed, it will open.  When our heart opens it begins to clear the clouds of emotion and thought so clarity can come.  Because our heart is a link to our Higher Self, we can begin to seek that connection and discover the purpose behind circumstances and so realize how to optimally respond.

2) Overcoming “Brain Cramp”.  One of the things that cause our heart to close is when our brain tries to be our big protector – telling us what to do, even when it hasn’t really got a clue.  A lot of people live in this state of constant or intermittent mental control; it is a way of protecting from feeling vulnerable or overwhelmed.  But when something big comes up that the mind can’t talk us through, the mind goes into a kind of brain cramp – it is like a mental version of a computer glitch where you can’t get control of your cursor and everything is stuck.  A good first response to this is to move your body.  Get up and walk, which stimulates your breathing, then when you swing your arms it reboots your left and right sides of your brain so they work together and you can think and speak clearly.  15 minutes or less will usually have your brain working again, but any movement will help.  The right side has a strong link to your heart and your feelings, which helps to uncramp the linear left brain.  Breathe and give yourself an inner hug, and tell yourself it will be okay.  Let your heart open so your Higher Self can begin to clear the clouds of emotion and mind and help you discover the opportunities for correct action and personal growth within your circumstances.

3) Focus on the beautiful, good, kind and delightful. Find your gratitude for life.  When life is overwhelming, the tendency of the strong is to keep pushing through things, trying to get to the other side.  However, the other side of some of the things we are experiencing now may be a fair distance away.  Don’t wait for life to “allow” it…take a break.  Put it on your schedule, or cancel things if needed.  When you are stuck with a heavy heart the harder you work, the slower you will go, until you feel you just can’t go on.  It can feel like dragging a very heavy weight around.  Just stop, take a day, afternoon, a couple of hours or whatever you need to just let go.  Focus on what you love, what feels comfortable, what makes you happy to be alive.  Open your heart to your Higher Self and welcome the love in to unblock your constricted heart chakra.  Take whatever time is needed to get to a place of trust, gratitude, relaxation and open heart.  Then when you return to your responsibilities you will find that you get more done in a day than in a week of working with a closed heart chakra!  Let others cover for you, realize you can’t carry the world on your shoulders and it is okay to ask.  When you return everyone will be better for being with the open-hearted you.

4) Step 3 can be done alone or in company, see what most refreshes you.  Don’t be afraid to take time alone.  In those silent places within our lives is where we get to know our Higher Self; and there we discover our own soul’s directions and potentials.

5) Any of these suggestions can be done in a microcosmic way – just briefly in the moment; or they can be done in a large way involving an hour or a day or a week.  Do the brief and if it isn’t enough, plan for the longer solution.

I suggest you practice living with an open heart; so your heart chakra can do its job.  Try taking a “breathe” pause between activities and checking in.  Are you holding onto something from your previous activity or worrying about something that you can release into the care of your Higher Self?  Let it go, then relax and welcome Higher Self to be present through you as you begin the next activity.  This is the process of ascension – remembering that who you are is really an eternal, enlightened Being — which I am calling your Higher Self.  By grounding that into your body through your open heart, you can observe how it makes everything lighter and easier for you and those around you.  Not by carrying other’s burdens, but by simply being the light grounded into an incarnate soul!

Thank you for comments, sharing and liking this post as it pleases you!  It helps us all when you do.

Blessings and Love, Eve

P.S.  Sometimes during ascension the blocks in our hearts are hereditary, or ancient or just complicated.  If you need help with some of them, feel free to contact me through my website: for a healing and ascension treatment to help you heal and open your heart.

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Elle Garfield
Elle Garfield
4 years ago

Hi Eve, when you wrote ‘no suggestion’ I felt angry and was able to let that go an have been doing these suggestions off an on with the result today of a very open heart. I feel so grateful for this teaching and I realize it was inside me all along. Thank you!

Rebecca Moon
Rebecca Moon
4 years ago

Just what I needed to lighten up my heavy heart today…grateful…

4 years ago

Again, fabulous. This allowed me to shift and changed the day into light and lovely in a questionable situation. Wow, amazing.