Sandhill Cranes & Mercury Retrograde

I had two visits from Sandhill Cranes this week!  One was live and the other a vision.  They are the largest and most ancient birds on Earth.  They are also a bridge to the ascended state.  The beautiful prehistoric sound of Sandhill Crane voices calls us home to that place of perfect unity and wholeness which is the new world. *

Sandhill Cranes are incarnate Ascended Masters and their voices touch that enlightened place within our own souls.  This helps us find unity with the vast community of Ascended Masters in the universe to receive their support and learn how to ascend to our own mastery.

The Sandhill Cranes are available to help us step up to a higher/stronger platform of new world experience that is brand new and growing more present each day.  The gift of unity with the community of Ascended Masters that the cranes help us receive is a big help to us in this shift.  As we step up to the more comprehensive level of new world we will feel less of the drama and suffering of the old world.  And while that is good, we may feel some sense of loss because the old is familiar and because so many are still focused there.  The cranes are holding us in friendship and love, helping us to move ahead with confidence and joy into the more enlightened focus of self this new world platform is bringing us.  As any of us take that step, we pave the way for those we love and those we are connected with to also step up in their own time and way.  Many of you who read this blog are leaders within your families and soul groups.  So, when the time comes to change, we get to take that step for ourselves, and ultimately to help others when they are ready to do so as well.  It’s good to know we are never alone in this journey but have support and love from the Ascended Master community calling us forward on our path.

I found a new link for Sandhill Crane songs that I’d like to share with you!  Its from National Audubon and is much better than the one previously published on this site.  Also it has beautiful crane pictures which are free to use as a backdrop on your computer or other devices or to print and place in prominent places to remind you that you are loved, supported and part of a community that you can trust both in the world and in spirit.

Audubon Sandhill Crane Songs and Pictures:

In addition to all this, Wednesday began a period of Mercury Retrograde.  This is an astrological transit where the planet Mercury, which governs communication and electronics appears to run backward through our world.  It does this to give us time and focus to complete particular lessons and tasks we have contracted to fulfill.  Most notably people find Mercury Retrograde transitions to be frustrating, creating conflicts that appear ridiculous and unnecessary but particularly heated between ourselves and others.  Also, causing delays and frustrations when trying to begin new things, or make purchases, or anything on electronic equipment.  However, if you work with the soul jobs that are on your plate for this retrograde, you will likely find that those kinds of difficulties seem to minimize or disappear.

So, to save yourself a ton of frustration, take a few minutes to meditate.  Ask the planet Mercury and your Higher Self to help you recognize what it is that needs to be completed within your soul contracts this month.  I usually find these to fall into  categories such as emotional issues, judgments and prejudices, a need for forgiveness and compassion, fearfulness, hatred, and other attitudes that may be so common that we may almost forget how they hold us back from our truth. Or maybe what comes up are things you have been working on that can be completed during this retrograde period. See what comes up for you as you meditate.  There is no shame in these things, they are just part of the old world state.  This is the work that we do to help others to heal and ascend too.  Once you recognize what is up to be worked with, meditate on how you need to work with it.  This process will help you to become the person you already are in truth; more loving and whole and ready to step up to the new new-world platform which is just arriving; inviting and helping you to ascend.

Mercury Retrograde ends when Mercury goes direct again on November 3, just in time for the election!  Also, this new world platform which is coming in will be mostly in place at that same time.  The stronger new world experience it brings will help us to rise above any chaos resulting from that passage in our country with confidence and unconditional love, whatever the election results!

Thanks for commenting or asking questions at the end of this post if it pleases you ?

Blessings and love for your journeys of life my friends!  Eve

P.S. I am enrolling for two classes!  Healing & Ascension Monthlies starts its next series of 6 joyful healing, empowering meditation evenings helping us all ascend, on December 10.  And Healing & Ascension Certification is enrolling to train people to be Healers, World Ascension Workers and qualify for legal UCM Healer Practitioner Certification if they desire it.  Contact me through my website or by email

* Riding the Wave of Change – Hope, Healing & Spiritual Growth for Our World offers more information and insight into the new world and the journey of ascension we are all on. Available in eBook, paperback or hardcover at or in paperback at Crazy Wisdom Bookstore in Ann Arbor, Nature’s Products in Detroit, Mother Nature’s Remedies in Cheboygan, and The Mind’s Eye in Mount Clemens.

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