Sandhill Cranes & Mercury Retrograde

I had two visits from Sandhill Cranes this week!  One was live and the other a vision.  They are the largest and most ancient birds on Earth.  They are also a bridge to the ascended state.  The beautiful prehistoric sound …

Celebrating & Letting Go!

Our old-world journey has been rich with experience and gifts, it has also challenged us in more ways than we like!  Let’s take a moment to honor and celebrate this experience which is passing away.  Then we can let it …

Change is Happening – Trusting It

Hi Ascending Friends!

When I see things happening in nature which indicate the death phase of the ascension process, I remember the message from the spirit of Mother Earth which I wrote about in detail in my book.  She reassured …


Today I was asked to take the day off from seeing clients, in order to support work in progress for planetary ascension.  I spent the day paddling the Huron River in a Kayak, up in the Proud Lake Recreation Area, …