Personal Ascension / Empowerment

I am alive today because I have worked through many difficulties, and only because of that.  My challenges were designed by my Higher Self to force me to build the strength needed to serve as a healer and world ascension worker. I would otherwise not have accomplished these necessary goals for the fulfillment of my true purpose.

Through my work I desire to smooth the journey of healing and ascension for others.  Yet, I am only permitted to help where help is needed; not to do the work that others need to do for themselves.  Each of us have Higher Selves who designed our lives precisely to bring forth potentials within our human selves which can be gained in no other way.  And most of us are doing this not just for ourselves, but to awaken those potentials within others who are working on similar challenges.  There is no way to avoid the work.  But I can help people to do it efficiently, to understand what they are trying to accomplish and to hold steady in their faith in themselves and in life as they work their process.

Fortunately, at this point in the ascension process, most things can be worked through more easily than at any time in our history!  What was slow and torturous change only a few years ago is increasingly gentle and fast.  The same emotions and thoughts are there, most of the same process must be worked through, but the old states of limitation have lost their potency and can be overcome with relatively little effort.  Though initially it may feel just as hard, with effort it works out with surprising ease and speed.

30 years ago, it was not so easy.  For the first 30+ years of my life – about half of it now – I lived outside of my body where I was above my anger and deepest suffering.  In that state I released stress by crying deeply and profoundly.  That release allowed me to avoid bitterness, overcome hatred and to be happy.  But it also kept me limited and dissociated.  Because I didn’t live in my personal power, others had power in my life to use me or abuse me as they pleased.  I rarely objected or stood up for myself because I couldn’t from that stance on life.

In my 30s I began to realize that I could not continue this way.  I had done all the growing I could from a passive state and needed to become assertive and make good choices for myself.

The journey of claiming power tends to go like this: 1 – Anger replaces fear. 2 – Assertiveness replaces anger. 3 – Compassion teaches empowered love for self and others. 4 – Thankfulness allows us to see gifts of growth through all interactions and circumstances. 5 – Empowered-self makes use of those gifts to become more whole and unified with Higher Self.  All those stages are likely to be traversed in this process and it is important to not get stuck in the first two, but to continue until you find the compassionate place within that allows you to give and receive love without giving away your true self.  From there, the final two steps let you live from a truly empowered and impactful stance in life.  To build relationships and circumstances that support you and help others on their paths to empowerment without trying to rescue them.

Many spiritually sensitive people experience the tendency to “give it all away” in the hope of receiving love in return.  But it doesn’t work that way.  Life is designed to teach us to be whole and so we won’t succeed if we are not doing it right.  Wisely, Albert Einstein said something to the effect that insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results.  So, when life isn’t giving us what we need.  We can meditate on the question of how we are missing the target through our own assumptions and habitual behaviors.  Be prepared to respond to each circumstance in a unique way, not based on what we have done before.  Through unity with Higher Self we can find the secret key to success in each moment.

I learned to observe what life was mirroring to me.  To see that reflection as a message and a gift from my Higher Self to help me find the “soul muscles” I needed to grow in my life.  I discovered that crying was something I could effectively use in smaller doses when needed, but that it had become a way of staying disempowered.  I learned instead to reach within and access my power.  To watch my life carefully to find the messages and respond pro-actively through meditation, prayer and action in harmony with my Higher Self.  I learned to partner daily with my Higher Self to meet each moment through the higher intelligence and love that partnership brings me.  They were always there in my quiet times, but I learned to bring my higher intelligence and love into all circumstances and to show up as an empowered adult, even when circumstances were awkward, painful or frightening.  From this partnership I can respond effectively to whatever life brings me, though it is sometimes very hard to do.  I know I am capable because my Higher Self has brought me to each moment, and therefore the potential must always lie within me.  Otherwise I would not be in that situation.  Where help is needed it is always provided; sometimes in ways that I don’t like, but it will be exactly what is needed.

Here are some flower essences that I find helpful to many on this journey of self-actualization and ascension.  Flower essences work with the emotional and mental aura to release blocks so we can move forward with greater wholeness and strength in our lives.  They are not the same as taking the herb itself, the flower essence is very particular in how it acts. You can do a search online for any of these that seem helpful to you:

Rescue Remedy Flower Essence – for handling stress, change or trauma recovery

Fig Flower Essence – for fear or paranoia

Garlic Flower Essence – for fear or panic

Harvest Bodiaea Flower Essence – for bitterness

Eucalyptus Flower Essence – for grief or guilt

Walnut Flower Essence – for change

Passion Flower Flower Essence – increases compassion

Zinnea Flower Essence – for laughter as medicine

I am here to help you if you need a Healer & Ascension Worker.  But know that I will only do what you can’t do for yourself.  Miracles happen when you see me because of work you have already done for yourself and because the time is right for the changes you experience.  I may be able to shift just the piece that is needed to allow you to move quickly through something.  One of my gifts is knowing when and how to work with you and not wasting your time and money trying to do for you what is not timely or is really yours to do.  But when your soul’s fruit is ripe for change, we can meet to move you quickly along your path to wholeness and give you tools for navigating change effectively.

You can visit my website if you would like to see if it is timely for you to have a Healing & Ascension Treatment or family, pet or relationship healing.  You might also consider joining Healing & Ascension Monthlies to build unity with your Higher Self and soul muscles that will help you navigate your life successfully.  On my website you will find information and testimonials about my work and how to contact me.

Blessings and love on your journey of empowerment and ascension! Eve

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