Lunar Eclipse – Ascended Masters

Tuesday’s lunar eclipse was a gift of healing and ascension!  The world energy felt like a huge pressure on me that afternoon until I remembered to work with the eclipse.  Thankfully I had time because the changes that were happening turned heaviness to joy and ease.

When the sun, earth and moon lined up causing the lunar eclipse, I saw an opening to the Higher Power that pulled some huge blocks out of the earth.  The blocks had been functioning as place-holders until life on earth was ready to embrace greater wholeness and truth during ascension.  I observed lots of clearing for particular geographic regions and their soul groups; there was a big flush of old world darkness and debris that was ready to clear.  This left everything lighter.

I was shown the earth as a whole with what I was told were 3 million Ascended Masters  — some of them human, some trees, some creatures –beginning to lift the old world darkness.  It made me think of the drawing my daughter did for my book that we call Earth Seed.

 I felt as though the darkness was like the shell or outer casing of a seed which softens and rots and falls away as the plant begins to grow.  The light and love of the Ascended Masters seemed to be within the Earth, calling this birth into being and stimulating the growth from within our planet.  I was told I was seeing the death and rebirth that will stimulate a new phase of ascension over the next 3 weeks, helping the new world to break through the shell of the old.

I want to thank Karlta Zarley whose newsletter reminded me that this eclipse would be happening!  Having recently returned from two weeks overseas, I was a bit distracted with other things.

The new world feels more accessible and empowered since the eclipse!  Places within our souls which have been stuck are now able to find a clearer focus of true self and break through into new actions and choices for our lives.  So now is a good time to revisit those issues in your inner world and outer lives which have felt resistant to change.  It may take some time to meditate on what can now shift, but with patience you will find that there are steps that can be taken to own your power and refresh your perspective on life.  This is a great time for healing treatments because there will be new ways to approach issues to help you heal and ascend.  I have a $10 children’s healing coupon in July and a couples healing coupon for August when you mention this post!

Blessings and love on your journey of ascension my friends!  Thank you for commenting, liking and sharing to help others find these messages of love!  Eve

* If you would like to see more of my daughter Kara’s amazing art and learn more about ascension, my book Riding the Wave of Change – Hope, Healing & Spiritual Growth for Our World is a powerful tool for transformation!  You can find it at

* Healing & Ascension Monthlies start next Thursday the 25th, you can still join!

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L Angelica Lopez
L Angelica Lopez
4 years ago

The solar eclipse on July 2nd and the lunar eclipse on July 16th shited my life completely. I’m relieved to hear that you worked with them and greater ease with ascension resulted.