Who’s Responding?

I have to be very careful about how I respond to the current hot political climate.  If I let it get under my skin and respond from judgment or fear; then I am fueling the problems rather than helping.  So I have to step back, comfort my human nature, and integrate my Inner Wisdom which is one with my Higher Self and the All That Is.  From there I am in unconditional love and my actions become powerful tools for transformation, healing and ascension.

This is true of all of us.  We have two selves:  our old world/lower nature and our new world/Higher Self.  When opportunities arise to influence the outcome of the political debates and all the facets of our country which are affected by them, what is most important is who’s responding!  Each of us has choices to make as to what actions we should take, and which we should not participate in.  Those decisions need to be made from our center of Inner Wisdom and in partnership with our Higher Self.  Even more important than what choices we make, is the quality of energy which we focus into the circumstances and systems we are influencing.  This can be hard to do when emotions and minds are constantly being prodded by judgments, fears and reactions of others.  But it is our job to choose to respond in unconditional love.  And when we are able to do that, it is because we have first responded in love to our own instinctual reactions to the inflammatory energy and information we are receiving from the media, from political parties and from special interest groups.  When we have taken time to self-comfort and open our hearts and minds to our Inner Wisdom and higher Selves, we are part of the solution, rather than part of the problem.

Think of the issues currently under debate as evidence of a need for healing.  If we react in kind to inflammatory attitudes with our own judgment and fear then we increase the disease.  We become just one more drop of negativity in an ocean of toxicity.  But when we are aligned with the Higher Power through centering with open hearts and grounding into our Inner Wisdom; when we reach the point of acceptance that what is happening is purposeful and can serve the greater good; we become powerful tools for healing.  Whatever choice we make, this clear focus can allow the Higher Power to flow into the disease and begin to uplift it into harmony and health.  The healing of disease will still need to go through its process but now change can happen in the quickest and cleanest way.  One person in unconditional love acting in the world is immeasurably more impactful than one person acting in judgment and fear.  They are also a whole lot happier!

We are at a point of crisis in our world.  The infection of fear and greed is vast.  But from the point of higher perspective in unconditional love, we can see how these things are allowing the old world to break down.  This situation can impel us to unity with Inner Wisdom, Higher Self and the All That Is, releasing our hold on false identities and transitional securities.  We have a whole lot of co-creating to do to midwife the new world experience for ourselves and our planet.  This rebirth is inevitable so holding onto the old is not an option, even if we do so with good intentions.  Letting go we can trust this process, and know that something much better awaits us.  In the meantime, we are learning to align with the Higher Power to help smooth our journey of rebirth into the new world experience of unity and wholeness.

For more about the journey of ascension and the new world read my book Riding the Wave of Change, Hope, Healing & Spiritual Growth for Our World.

Each of us is in position to be an influence in the world.  Who is it that is exerting that influence and what will it achieve?  I choose my Inner Wisdom within my heart.  It is part of my Higher Self which is a facet of the eternal All That Is.  I choose to act in unconditional love.  And where I fall short of that, I work to forgive myself and release the negativity.  Then I do it again from unconditional love, even if only in my heart and mind.  When I do that I can ask the Higher Power to correct my mistake and use it for the greater good!  Everything can be used to benefit.  Nothing is permanent, unconditional love can heal it all.  Healing may take time to manifest, but that is so that everything can come together in the new form that is needed at the right time.  Trust, hope, love, believe and act from true self!  It’s exciting, it’s work, it’s play, there is nothing else I would rather do.

If you are a healer at heart and would like to develop skills for human and planetary healing and ascension, contact me.  I am enrolling for The Healing & Ascension Certification Course which offers UCM legal accreditation throughout the USA and is NCBTMB approved.  I’d love to explore with you whether this work is on your soul’s path.

Thank you each for living increasingly in unconditional love. *

Blessings and Love on your journey this week dear friends!  Eve

* To gain skills for acting from Inner Wisdom and Higher Self search this site for my video blog series: Eve’s 3 Most Important Things for Riding the Wave of Change.  These provide foundational tools for building unity with true self.

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Kelly Sharpy
Kelly Sharpy
4 years ago

I’ve been practicing this and it most definitely resonates with my well ‘being’. I seem to almost live in a different world than those being led by the media and masses. It’s an absolutely wonderful feeling. Thank you for your guidance. It has been instrumental in my progress of trusting my ‘self’.