Essentials of Ascension

It occurs to me that what is happening in our world right now is the equivalent of the unconditionally loving universe treating our reality like a beach towel that needs a good shake to get the sand out of it!  …

Book Preview and Offer

Hi Ascending Friends! 

Today as I inquired what would be my most helpful gift to you through my blog, I have been asked to give you a preview of my soon to be released book: Riding the Wave of Change

Riding the Wave of Change

Dear Ascending Friends,

I just looked at the number of posts I have written, and at 212, I have been at it 4 years + 4 posts!!!  It doesn’t seem that long, but that’s a lot of love notes to …

Deeper Experience

The big ascension shifts we are in the midst of continue to bring new experiences.  What I notice again is the deeper grounding that is bringing greater stability to people.  At the same time it can make some people feel …