Full Moon Blessing

The moon is coming full on Saturday, so I asked her what the gift is that she brings us this time.  She told me “growing strong” is the opportunity which she is empowering within our lives as her blessing to …

You Are Stronger

On the cusp of the new year, I want to encourage you to see yourself in a new way.  Because you are ascending, you are constantly integrating more of your true self into your energy field, and your energy systems …

Gaining Strength

I talked with The One Source today about how to best help smooth the journey of ascension this week.  After doing much clearing and healing, there was still a layer of irritation, and it wouldn’t resolve.  I was told that …

Solar Eclipse ~ Coming Home

The solar eclipse today (visible over Africa) allows us to see ourselves and our world with more clarity wherever we are on Earth.  It mutes the shadows and reflections giving us a unique view of what hides in our unconscious, …


Higher Self, mind, emotion and body….integration….getting it all together – ascension is all about that!

Have you ever watched a child or young animal grow over time?  It is amusing to notice how they go to bed looking one way, …