Global Warming and Ascension

This winter, the effects of global warming are easy to spot.  Some of them we like, and some of them are very difficult; but weather extremes abound!  This is one of the significant influences in our world which are stimulating …

Balance of Work and Relaxation

There is a necessary balance to spiritual living, kind of like riding a bike.  If our spirituality and our humanness are the opposite feet pedaling our bike of life, we need to use both legs in a balanced way to …

Pre-Election Ascension Work

I learned in an earlier election that I had to make sure that any spiritual work I did around its outcome was in harmony with the path our country had to take for its optimal growth, learning and the fulfillment …

Solar Eclipse ~ Coming Home

The solar eclipse today (visible over Africa) allows us to see ourselves and our world with more clarity wherever we are on Earth.  It mutes the shadows and reflections giving us a unique view of what hides in our unconscious, …

A Deepening Presence of Love

The past week has been a busy one on the level of planetary ascension.  Building on previous shifts, now the Higher Power of unconditional love is deepening within our world in the denser layers of body and soul.  It is …