Balance of Work and Relaxation

There is a necessary balance to spiritual living, kind of like riding a bike.  If our spirituality and our humanness are the opposite feet pedaling our bike of life, we need to use both legs in a balanced way to stay upright and keep our bicycle moving forward!  Too much mundane focus and we lose our spiritual lightness and power, getting mired in the minutiae of life…too much spiritual focus and we lose our ground in the world.

Another polarity to keep balanced is between the outward influence we exert to make the world a better place, and inward relaxation, peace and gratitude for what we have.  If we are too inward, we may not play our needed part in the lives of others and our world…but if we use too much of our energy in outward endeavors we lose our center and groundedness; then nothing we do comes out right, even though our intentions are true.

There is great power in pursuing joy and pleasure in life, when that isn’t a narcissistic imbalance, but is a balance to work and service.  The way I think of this is that each day should be a day that God in me would enjoy living!  The pleasures of life can ground our true spirit in a way that work won’t usually do.  They can open our hearts, help us to release control and judgment, and when we do that our Higher Self can answer our prayers and support our work to achieve what we desire.  Often things can’t work out the way we think they should or will.  There are factors we can’t understand or see.  So we work, pray, meditate, visualize and invest our intentions  for the greater good in partnership with our Higher Self and the One.  Then we let go, relax, enjoy our life as it is right now to our best ability, love and trust each moment that we can, and watch what happens!

Once we relax and let go, so spirit can do what can be done instead of what we think should be done, there is another piece which we can do to help.  It is simply to give thanks.  When I find myself judging, fighting what is, feeling fearful for the future, or angry about the past (everyone has these experiences, we are all human still!) it helps a great deal to say with heart and will… thank you for everything.  Thank you to people, thank you to the mother earth, thank you to the plants and animals, thank you to the water and air, thank you to myself, thank you to the Mother and Father Creators, thank you to the One…etc…. Thank you overcomes fear, it releases pain, it heals the past, it opens the way for the best outcome that life can give us now; it helps us relax, so God can do the big stuff.

As we enter this week of Thanksgiving, it is a perfect time to surrender concern about our country, the planet and the future.  You can do that by giving thanks that everything is working toward the greater good, though you may not understand how that can be.  It is true, and I will talk more about the death of the old world and the emerging new world soon.  The challenges if the past weeks have prepared you to hear more of that, which is a super powerful subject.  It is a necessary and good thing, disguised as a bad thing.  Please don’t be fooled!  Enjoy this week, give thanks for each moment and all the good it brings.  Love yourself, the people in your life and the Creator.  Give that One a chance to move us a little bit further into the new world, as you pedal the relaxing side of your bicycle of life 😉

I am giving thanks for each of you right now, my ascending friends!  May your week be joyful and delicious!  Love Always, Eve

PS Thanks for sharing by passing along the email link to this post or via social media through the link below when and if that feels like the right thing for you to do!

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7 years ago

Eve, This is so timely!